Italy 24 Press News

Ferrara, girl groped in the street in via Otello Putinati Gazzetta di Reggio

Ferrara A few days after the very serious episode of violence against a student in via Rampari San Paolo, another woman was attacked by an unknown man who, after following her for a stretch of the road, groped her and fled leaving the victim shocked and in tears. All this in broad daylight on a street on the outskirts of the city, populated with houses and shops.

It was 11 in the morning and the girl – a twenty-year-old – was walking along via Putinati, area via Bologna, when she had the impression that a man was following her. She kept an eye on the stranger by looking in the rear-view mirrors of the parked cars, thus realizing that the man was actually watching her stalking. She quickened her pace and tried to change sidewalks to push him away, but the harasser continued to follow her, actually trying to close the distance. Hoping to outrun him, the girl sought shelter by heading into an internal courtyard, where however the man reached her and spoke to her, asking for directions. The girl took out her cell phone to provide the requested information, and it was at that point that she met the stranger he attacked her placing his hands on her and groping her buttocks. The victim started screaming with all her strength, thus putting the attacker to flight, who lost track of him by running away in the direction of via Fabbri.

The fact was reported to the Ferrara Carabinieri who, after having collected the testimony of the victim and a description of the attacker (foreigner, olive skin), began to patrol the area trying to find useful elements for the investigations also from any private video surveillance systems.

The girl, comforted by her family, is trying to overcome the trauma, just as it will be impossible for the attacked student in Rampari San Paolo forget those moments of terror when, around 11.30 pm Wednesday, a man attempted to rape her and even tore off her clothes and underwear. The girl managed to save herself by freeing herself and then asking for help by ringing the intercoms in the nearby streets.

A couple of days later, another incident of sexual assault, this time in broad daylight. Investigators are trying to understand if there could be a connection between the two events, while concern grows and women begin to feel less safe.


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