Italy 24 Press News

Coldiretti mobilization against wild boars, from Piacenza 500 to Bologna

BOLOGNA, COLDIRETTI ER: BLITZ AGAINST THE BOARS – Coldiretti mobilization in front of the Region in Viale Aldo Moro on Thursday 27 June, starting from 9am, 500 members expected from Piacenza. Thousands of Coldiretti farmers stand before the Region to denounce the wild boar emergency in Emilia-Romagna. The appointment is for Thursday 27 June 2024 from 9am in Bologna in viale Aldo Moro.

Farmers and breeders from across the region will take to the streets to denounce the health, social, economic and environmental problems caused by wild boars. A delegation of 500 members is expected from Piacenza, led by the director Roberto Gallizioli and the confederal delegates Giovanni Benedetti and Marco Allaria Olivieri.

Wild animals transmit diseases, destroy food production, exterminate crops, besiege fields, cause road accidents with deaths and injuries and reach into urban centers where they scratch around in waste, posing dangers to people’s health and safety. In addition to the devastation of crops, in the Piacenza area the situation is worsened by the spread of African swine fever which threatens pig farms.

For the occasion, an exhibition will be set up with the devastated productions and the products put at risk by the unchecked advance of the wild boars. The objective of the mobilization is to immediately apply at a regional level the measures envisaged by the inter-ministerial decree launched last year for the adoption of an extraordinary plan for the management and containment of uncontrolled wildlife. The damage caused by wild animals in the countryside amounts to 200 million euros per year with a verified population of more than 2.3 million wild boars throughout Italy.

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