Italy 24 Press News

Prisons: violence in Terni, attempted attack also on a magistrate

In the Terni prison “an Italian prisoner attempted to attack a magistrate present in prison, an attack averted due to the intervention of the prison police, even though the department commander appears to have been bruised”. This was reported by the secretary of the Sappe of Umbria, Fabrizio Bonino, who reported other episodes of violence which occurred last weekend, “due to interracial clashes”.
“On Saturday afternoon, a prisoner from Campania from the medium security circuit, for trivial reasons, attacked the section policeman,” reports the trade unionist. “Shortly afterwards, in the infirmary room, a prisoner of Nigerian origin threw a bottle at other prisoners, North Africans and Albanians, who reacted, hitting the Nigerian hard, who was saved only thanks to the intervention of the few police personnel present. service”.
“Yesterday morning, when the cells of the Media Security Section I were opened, a group of North Africans and Italians of Campania origin entered the cell of an Albanian prisoner who was lying on the bed sleeping and beat him in revenge for the events that occurred the previous day. ”, continues Bonino. “The man was then sent to the emergency room for injuries to his face and the rest of his body.”
“In the afternoon, yet another brawl between North Africans and prisoners of Campania origin, with the prisoners from North Africa getting the worst of it with deep cuts on their faces,” adds the Sapee trade unionist, “who were also sent to the emergency room of Santa Maria di Terni from the institute’s building but they refused.” (AGI)

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