Italy 24 Press News

The territorial strategies of the Abruzzo LAGs for the 2023-2027 cycle, focus on L’Aquila – Virtù Quotidiane

Events, fairs and appointments 24 Jun 2024 19:21

L’AQUILA – The day organized by the Agriculture Department of the Abruzzo Region, dedicated to the knowledge and dissemination of the territorial strategies implemented by the Local Action Groups (Gal ) for the 2023-2027 programming cycle.

Two discussion periods are foreseen, one dedicated to the illustration of the territorial declinations of the Abruzzo programming complement for the rural development of the Region 2023-2027 and in particular the local development policies for the Leader areas, and the other entrusted to the presidents of the 8 Abruzzo Gals, who will inform the local strategies defined in their respective areas of competence.

“We believe it is right to dedicate a focus to the daily work carried out by the Region and the LAGs for the local development of the rural and marginal territories of Abruzzo – he explains Emanuele Imprudente, vice president of the Abruzzo Region – from the ability to mobilize local partnerships made up of public and private entities to the actions implemented for economic and social growth. It is through close and continuous discussion with those who work in the field every day that we can improve the effectiveness of our policy.”

The debate will take place in the form of a talk and will stimulate interventions on the topics covered by the meeting such as the regional agricultural programming 2023-2027, the Leader intervention and the final data of the current season, the peculiarities of the LAG territories and which significant challenges they will implement in their territories for the future.

The morning will end with a convivial moment offered by Gal Gran Sasso Velino, Gal hosting the event, organized with the “masterclass” format in which the excellent products of Abruzzo food and wine revisited for administration will be illustrated.

The gastronomic journey is part of the cooperation project between the Abruzzo Gals called “Terre d’Abruzzo”.

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