Italy 24 Press News

He tries to steal her cell phone on the bus, then follows her and attacks her by slapping her: a 32-year-old arrested

TRENT. Has attempted to rob a woman (and not only) but it was arrested by the police yesterday, June 23, a 32-year-old who will now have to answer for various charges.

The fact dates back to yesterday, when the man was traveling on the same city bus on which the victim was located, one 26 years old from Trento, who was returning from her work shift.

After approaching her with the excuse of asking her for one cigarettethe 32-year-old set to follow her even once you get off public transport. The girl has tried to escapewithout however the man giving up his intent, on the contrary: after having achieved it, he has tried to snatch the cell phone from her handshowever, finding firm resistance.

At this point the 26 year old, after also being hit with one slap to the face, he fortunately found refuge inside a building by intercom. The man thus decided to walk away, but came nevertheless tracked downstill in the immediate vicinity, by the police, who intervened promptly.

He was arrested taken to the security rooms of the barracks in via Barbacovi, awaiting the immediate trial which will be held today, 24 June.

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