Italy 24 Press News

Ferrara, Mister De Carlo’s farewell to Spal La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara He applauds towards the Curva Ovest, Mimmo Di Carlo. The photographic greeting that the coach wanted to give to the square in Ferrara arrives via social media with the strength of an emotional memory full of positivity despite the only year spent together (among other things, not even an entire one).

The post

«Right from the start – writes the original coach from Cassino – you made me feel like one of you, transmitting to me your unique and infinite passion for these colors and for this very reason I would like to thank all of you, white and blue fans, from the bottom of my heart. The emotion I felt when sitting on that bench at the “Mazza” It exceeded all my expectations. When all seemed lost we achieved an incredible feat and this was because we all rowed in the same direction, with mutual trust and respect, recreating a new enthusiasm. Precious, winning.”

Di Carlo concludes: «I thank you the club for the opportunity it has given me and, hoping that this greeting of mine can only be a goodbye, I wish Spal to return to the stages it deserves as soon as possible.”

Good memory

A great professional, Di Carlo. A moderate, but competent figure of Italian football that the city of Ferrara had the pleasure of experiencing up close. Humanly, even today, he is a guy from Serie A. It’s a shame that Spal didn’t want to continue with him, as seemed clear at the end of the last championship before the multiple and convoluted evaluations that took place between via Copparo and the United States. The explanation came in the last conference of President Tacopina, translated into the most classic football dynamic: new sporting director, new coach (who however arrived “not on ticket”, but that’s another matter). «I admire Mimmo very much – said the American lawyer -, we spoke to each other a little while ago. He has a place in my heart, sending him away after five days was a mistake and the even bigger mistake was waiting all those games to call him back.”

Numbers and facts

In the famous first package of matches Di Carlo had collected the average of 1.20 points per game, lasting from mid-July to the beginning of October amidst the difficulties of a squad that was late in setting up and preparing and lacking in more than one respect. The recall of February 4th had then generated 14 races with a resounding average of 2 points per challenge (average total experience 1.79). From that moment Di Carlo had been phenomenal in simplifying the (new) material at his disposal, switching to 4-4-2 to favor the quality of the attacking wingers, fill the penalty area and hold on to a great final rush of Captain Antenucci. The ending is known and there is no going back. Better to keep the good memories and who knows if one day it will really be a “goodbye”.


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