Italy 24 Press News

Mirko Perelli is the new mayor of Tresignana

Tresignana. Mirko Perelli is the new mayor of Tresignana after the unusual run-off that the municipality with less than 5 thousand inhabitants had to undergo after the draw, 1717 votes to 1717, in the first round. Laura Perelli is therefore not confirmed after she was elected 5 years ago as the first mayor of the municipality born from the merger of Formignana and Tresigallo.

The newly elected winner wins with 51.47% and 1,824 votes against Laura Perelli’s 48.43% and 1,720 votes. The turnout was 3,594 voters, 62.41% of the 5,789 eligible voters.

Mirko Perelli probably managed to catalyze upon himself the 105 votes that in the first round had gone to Paola Marchi who also finds herself acting as the balance in this round. In fact, five years ago it was said that the then candidate Brancaleoni (of which the current winner was deputy mayor of Tresigallo) had lost precisely because of the votes that went to the list led by Paola Marchi. The latter would in fact gather a moderate electorate but which seems to identify with the centre-right.

“Vittoria, thank you all”. Mirko Perelli entrusts his comment on the outcome of the ballot to this short social message while many acquaintances and supporters congratulate him.

“I sincerely thank my team, all our supporters, all our voters and those who have accompanied us in the administration over these years – comments Laura Perelli -. I believe that today our community is even more divided than 5 years ago; an electoral campaign like this didn’t help unite and this certainly didn’t happen through no fault of ours. I respect the voters’ vote and wish the new administration good work.”

Northern League MP Davide Bergamini expresses his “heartfelt congratulations to Mirko Perelli” and speaks of “a historic result in Tresignana for the centre-right”. “The concreteness of the arguments brought forward during the electoral campaign – he adds – rewarded the new mayor and his team”. Thus the deputy, wishing good work, adds how Tresignana has “demonstrated that it wants a change and Mirko Perelli will be able to transmit new energy and impetus, contributing to the growth of this municipality”.

article being updated

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