Italy 24 Press News

“Why is Don Ciotti silent?”

Below is the movement’s statement Reggio Futurasigned by president Italo Palmara.

“Saturday Don Luigi Ciottipresident of “Free”, he underlined the existence of two ‘Ndrangheta clubs in Genoa and raised the alarm about “widespread relations in Liguria between the mafia and politics”. The Genoese newspaper reported this news yesterday “The 19th Century”.

Undoubtedly the presence of criminal gangs in Liguria is a serious fact and it is right that it should be underlined, but the facts that have recently occupied the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Reggio Calabria in the “Ducale” operation are certainly not of less importance, indeed, if possible , are even more serious to the point that all the main media outlets now take the establishment of the Access Commission for granted and imminent Municipality of Reggio Calabria.

So what if Don Ciotti he says he is alarmed about the Genoa issue, we believe he should be even more worried about the Reggio affair. In this regard, on the banks of the Strait there is a lot of curiosity to know his thoughts on the precise journalistic reports relating to the interceptions of theOperation Ducale”.

Palmara’s attack (Reggio Futura)

“Until today, the president of “Libera” and his Calabrian territorial contacts have not commented on the dangerous reports contested by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Reggio Emilia politics, nor on the interceptive data of Operation Ducale published by the entire local and national press.

We don’t want to believe that Don Ciotti only deals with the affairs of Reggio when it comes to the Strait Bridge (his motto “The Bridge would not unite two coasts, but two gangs” is now famous).

We prefer to think that, since the procedural correspondence is impressive, its analysis requires time and for this reason to date he has not yet uttered a single word regarding the serious matter. But we are certain that Don Ciotti will not fail to make his voice heard in Reggio Calabria as soon as possible. We therefore remain in confident anticipation. A similar discussion must also be made for other associations that are very active in the fight against illegality and all mafias”.

The president of Reggio Futura continues.

“Public Notice” up to now it has been limited to a meager statement in which it does not go into specifics at all and does not comment in any way on the worrying details that emerged from the activity of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate… it only says, in a completely generic way that “there can and must be a policy without relations with the mafia”.

This concept is absolutely acceptable but very, very vague. It’s like saying “We would like peace throughout the world”: right, but it would be much more useful and profitable to express a judgment on how to put an end to ongoing wars rather than simply hoping for an increasingly distant peace. Similarly, it would be much more interesting to know whether Noticeo Pubblico deems it useful to take a step back (i.e. resignation) on the part of the politicians under investigation and whether or not it hopes for Prefectural checks on the existence or otherwise of mafia infiltration within the Municipality of Reggio Calabria.

“Reggio is not silent” it has done even less: to date no official statement… it simply remained silent, thus creating a sort of oxymoron with its own name. Yet we remember that in 2012, at the time when the arrival of the Access Commission in Reggio was being aired for the first time, there was an effervescent “Reggio is not silent” in the city, much more active and present in the city’s political debate .

Of course, the only variable compared to then is that at the time the organization was led by a centre-right administration, while today it is led by the centre-left. But in our humble opinion the fight against illegality and all mafias should always be fought, regardless of the colors of the shirts”.


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