Italy 24 Press News

Nola, prefect of Naples visits the city council – News

The Prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, visited the Municipality of Nola today during the City Council meeting, also announcing his presence to attend the ballad of the Gigli scheduled for next Sunday.

“My visit – said the Prefect – falls in a very beautiful period for the city. I learned about the Lilies Festival through the meetings that took place in the Prefecture: it is an event that says a lot about the idyll through which the community shows the great passion for the centuries-old tradition. Next I will be here in Nola to attend the event, but in the meantime happy Lilies Festival”.

Welcomed by the mayor Carlo Buonauro, the president of the City Council Francesco Pizzella and the members of the local assembly, the Prefect focused on Giordano Bruno, the philosopher from Nola who died at the stake in Campo de’ Fiori in Rome: “Giordano Bruno is the symbol of freedom of thought – he added, addressing the city councilors – of the freedom to think in a way divorced from common feeling: he had his own idea, it was not always understood; it remains not understood even today life of people not only from a physical point of view, but also from a social point of view, looking carefully at the new generations and their problems and at the crime against which we are all called to form a common front to eradicate it. To do this, the social is the priority response: where there is no social degradation, where the public administration manages to accompany people, there is less crime”.

Mayor Buonauro underlined that the prefect indicated, in the provincial committee for public order and safety, “the useful information, together with the police, so that the demonstration takes place in the context of maximum security. We must, however, , to be the first, with the entire city, to give a good demonstration of welcome and serenity. The Prefect has understood the religious and civil depth of the Feast of the Lilies and has also understood the impressive presence of visitors: he therefore asks us for one. further effort of commitment and seriousness so that everything takes place with maximum joy but also with maximum safety”. “The Prefect’s visit – underlined the president of the local parliament Francesco Pizzella – was not only very welcome, but represented the hope for work always based on respect for the rules, democracy and citizens’ rights”.

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