Italy 24 Press News

here are the delegations to the councilors. “Ready to operate”

Forlì, 24 June 2024 – The mayor Gian Luca Zattini he assigned the delegations to his council after a morning meeting with the political forces that make up his majority.

The deputy mayor, Vincenzo Bongiornomunicipal coordinator of Fratelli d’Italia and most voted on his list in the elections of last 8 and 9 June, will have the Culture, Participation and Neighborhoods, Family PoliciesTerritory identity: rethinking the historic centre.

Mayor Gian Luca Zattini assigned the delegations to his council after a morning meeting with the political forces that make up his majority

The other exponent of Giorgia Meloni’s party, the territorial coordinator of the Forlì area of ​​FdI, Luca Bartolinitakes Urban Regeneration, Private Construction, Major Works, Urban Security and Local Police. Urban planning and security which were previously the responsibility of the Northern League deputy mayor, Daniele Mezzacapo, accredited to be elected as president of the municipal council.

She is the third councilor of FdI Emanuela Bassi who inherits from his party colleague, Marco Catalano (no role for him in the council), and from councilor Maria Pia Baroni the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Citizen Services, Toponymy, Policies for Legality, General Services, Relations with the City Council, Agricultural Policies.

TO Paola Casara della Civica, outgoing councilor with the most votes of all, confirms the delegations already entrusted: Policies for education and instruction, Youth Policies and Civil ServicePolicies for the economic development of the territory, to these are added, Forlì university city, Forlì Aerospace Project.

Sport, Tourism and Territorial Marketing, Labor and Employment Policies, International Policies are the delegations that go to the other councilor on the civic list, Kevin Well done.

Al confirmed Vittorio Cicognaniindicated directly by Zattini, remain Budget, Investee Companies and Real Estate, Public Works.

TO Giuseppe PetettaForza Italia, Ecological and Energy Transition, Forlì Green City, Animal Welfare, Mobility.

To the Northern League Andrea Cintorinowhich previously held the historic center, include Digital Transition and Smart City, Strategic Plan of the city of Forlì, Development of the Romagna Next project, Equal Opportunities and gender differences, fight against discrimination, fight against violence and trafficking against women and minors , Major City Events, Fairs and Markets.

As anticipated for days to the new councilor, upon indication of the mayor, Angelica Sansavini va Community Welfare, Civil and Human Rights, Housing Policies.

“I would like remember and thank the old councilors – commented the mayor at the presentation of the council – who have been an important presence who have enriched the city in recent years. Thanks to the new ones. We are here to share the names and delegations of the council, on the very day we could have been here waiting for the results of the ballot. A council that presents itself in continuity with the addition of new people who will bring enrichment which will have the aim, as always, of the good of the city, being the administration of everyone, even those who did not vote for us”.

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