Italy 24 Press News

demonstration in front of the Campania Region

In Naples, around a hundred people marched in front of the Region to defend the Sant’Alfonso Maria de’ Liguori Samnite hospital in Sant’Agata de’ Goti.

Demonstration in front of the Campania Region to defend the hospital’s emergency room Sant’Alfonso Maria de’ Liguori of Sant’Agata de’ Goti, in the province of Benevento. The Honorable Member also took to the streets Francesco Maria Rubano (Forza Italia), as well as several mayors of Sannio. A meeting with Vincenzo De Luca, president of the Campania Region, is scheduled for the next few days. The casus belli emerged in recent days, when in an official note the Emergency Department of the Sant’Agata de’ Goti Hospital announced that patients will only be accepted from 8am to 6pm, “until new staff are found”. . The residents were furious, and had already announced this morning’s demonstration in front of the Campania Region headquarters in via Santa Lucia, in Naples.

“There are Samnite citizens who risk their lives for this situation”, explained Rubano, “which has been reported for a very long time”. Among those present, there were also ordinary citizens with polemical slogans and placards against Vincenzo De Luca: “We don’t want to die after 6pm”, shout some demonstrators, and there are those who raise the bar: “Listen to us, don’t do what Meloni did with you”. Also Franco Cascone, regional councilor of Campania under the Mixed Group, explained that “it is not possible that citizens should be afraid of feeling ill after 6pm or that their right to health is not recognized. Campania, from this point of view, is not a normal country “, added Cascone. The demonstration then continued until lunchtime: in the next few days there will be a meeting with President De Luca.

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