Italy 24 Press News

The Azzurri return to FVG, two unmissable matches in Udine and Trieste

The Friuli Venezia Giulia is preparing to experience an autumn of great football. The Region will in fact welcome the Italian national team and the National Under 21 team for two important meetings. The governor announced it Massimiliano Fedrigaexpressing the pride of the local community in embracing the Italian teams again.

The scheduled matches

October 14th, at the Stadium Friuli-Bluenergy Stadium in Udinethe Senior national team will face Israel in a decisive match for the Nations League. The next day, at the Stadium Rocco of Triestethe National Under 21 team will challenge theIreland in a crucial race for access to the final stages of the European Championships 2025 in Slovakia.

Preparations for these two days of great football are already underway. Local authorities, together with the organizers, are working to guarantee a warm and safe welcome to fans and teams. A large turnout of the public is expected, with a significant positive impact on the local hospitality and restaurant sector.

The support of the Region and the invitation to the fans

Fedriga underlined the importance of these events, which see the Region committed to providing maximum support. “These are two significant events”he has declared, “which represent a great opportunity for Friuli-Venezia Giulia both from a sporting point of view and for tourism promotion”.

The arrival of the national teams is not only a sporting event, but also an important opportunity tourism promotion for the Region. Large events like these increase the visibility of the area, bringing economic benefits and strengthening the social fabric. “This type of initiative”added Fedriga, “always has positive effects on the economic fabric”.

The governor invited all Friuli-Venezia Giulia fans to participate in the events, however welcome our flag teams with the affection and passion that have always characterized this land. “I am sure that the fans of our region will meet in Udine and Trieste to make their love for football felt”he concluded.

Friuli-Venezia Giulia’s passion for football

Friuli-Venezia Giulia has a long tradition of passion for football, and these events represent an important opportunity to renew this tradition. The matches of the national team and the national Under 21 team will be a moment of celebration and pride for the entire regional community.

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