Italy 24 Press News

Mosquitoes are fought in the parks

TERNI – Disinfestation begins against the spread of mosquitoes. This was announced by the environmental management which states that the company appointed by the Municipality continues its activities after the first cycle carried out at the end of May. In fact, from today the second anti-larval treatment of manholes, drains and potential water stagnation present in streets and public areas begins. The subsequent ones will continue on a monthly basis until October. The areas affected are: Ciaurro Park, Le Grazie Park, Viale Trento Park, San Martino “Las Mariposas” Park, the Largo Frankl area, La Mola di Bernardo Park, Via delle Palme Park, Via del Tordo Gardens where anadulticidal treatment against mosquitoes will be carried out, nebulising a product containing cypermethrin and tetramethrin (pyrethroids) as the active ingredient.

Furthermore, after having recorded cases of Dengue fever, in agreement with the USL Umbria 2, the execution of Adulticidal treatments was ordered in the main green areas of the city, in order to contain the risk of potential outbreaks. To combat mosquito infestations, the environment management reminds us that it is necessary to avoid the availability of stagnant water, even small ones, where the insects lay their eggs and the larvae develop, therefore both in public and private areas the main actions to be implemented are: avoid the formation of water collections by removing all sorts of potential containers such as buckets, basins, bins, etc. in uncovered areas (terraces, gardens, vegetable gardens, parks, etc.); eliminate the saucers and, where this is not possible, avoid water stagnation inside them; check that the gutters are clean and not blocked; cover the cisterns and all containers where rainwater collects with airtight lids, sheets or tightly stretched mosquito nets; keep fountains and ornamental basins clean, possibly introducing goldfish (which are predators of tiger mosquito larvae); regularly treat manholes and drainage and stagnation areas with larvicidal products.

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