Italy 24 Press News

Luminous objects spotted in the sky, rain of reports from Calabria to Sicily: this is what they are

COSENZA – Rain of reports in Southern Italy of strange unidentified flying objects. It happened on the evening of Sunday 23 June 2024, when photos and videos of bright objects circling in the sky went viral on social media. Multiple reports were also recorded by the call centers of the Mediterranean UFO Centre, “from Campania to Calabria, to Sicily, but also from other regions, it was a real tom tam”, they report. The first hypothesis, as happens in these cases when one raises one’s nose and is unable to give plausible explanations, is that of a probable UFO presence.

A theory that was soon denied by several as it seems to have been the case from the first findings of the launch of new Starlink satellites into orbit using the Falcon 9 carrier rocket. At 7.15pm yesterday, SpaceX launched a batch of satellites for the Starlink constellation from Launch Complex 40 in Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. This launch is part of the SpaceX project to provide a space-based Internet communications system through a vast network of low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites.

Bright objects in the sky: CUFOM still has doubts

Meanwhile the president of CUFOM – Mediterranean UFO Center – Angelo Carannante declares in a press note that he “immediately alerted his team, seeking confirmation of the nature of the objects and, still, the investigations are in full swing, to be sure. It is a sort of agglomerations of objects that proceed together in the sky, at a speed that is not excessive. In the front part there is a luminous object which is connected to a larger “cloud” that precedes it, through a sort of white mist and, higher up, another luminous object, also whitish, very thin and elongated. Considering the altitude, the distance between the alleged UFOs could not have been negligible. In a video sent to CUFOM, two small objects can even be observed crossing the field of vision in succession right near the objects mentioned.

It’s just methe passage of these two strange “UFOs”, which made Mediterranean ufologists question the actual nature of the objects sighted. The Mediterranean Ufological Center reserves the right to communicate the definitive outcome of the investigations as soon as possible, also waiting for the Italian Air Force or another body to confirm the explanation of the Falcon 9 Block 5 carrier rocket provided at this first moment and which should rationally be the solution to the puzzle. For reports, refer to the number 3204659798 or [email protected] or [email protected] or finally to the CUFOM social networks to which you are invited to stay connected including the official website”.

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