Italy 24 Press News

Farewell to Anna Maria De Leo, star of Bitonto culture –

Goodbye to Anna Maria De Leo, writer and artist from Bitonto. Sister Lizia announces it: For a few hours my sister Anna Maria has no longer been with us. She was the third of her siblings, the most optimistic, the most enterprising, the most joyful, the most sociable of the sisters. Now I’m drowning in heartbreak and pain.”

Among the numerous messages of condolence published on social media, we publish the memory of the journalist and writer Marino Pagano, president of the History and Art Research Center.

“Anna Maria’s eyes were deeply striking, two bright stars that told and condensed her entire existence. In them we could read the courage of those who fought tirelessly, the ardor of a passionate soul, the vivid intelligence that illuminated every thought and the profuse sensitivity, capable of touching the soul of anyone who met them. Those eyes were a hymn to indomitable strength, to the ability to face life with unparalleled determination. Life itself does not fade away if you leave a trace like this and Anna Maria De Leo has carved an indelible mark in the hearts of those who have been lucky enough to look into her eyes, the mirror of an extraordinary existence. «You wrote exactly what I think inside me», she told me once when I reviewed a profound, very human text by her. Power of those eyes that anticipated her words, her writing. We will miss Anna Maria very much, I would really like our city of Bitonto to be aware of this as with her, today, it loses one of the most beautiful, intense, cultured souls. A special thought to all his loved ones, to his relatives, among these some people who are really dear to me, friends and friends who today feel their hearts hurt and I experience my impotence, however I hope they can feel less alone with what is a testimony of the precious human legacy of Anna Maria”.

Sunday 23 June 2024


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