Italy 24 Press News

Florence, Notturna di San Giovanni: party for 1,500 participants. Encore by Niyomukiza, also winner a year ago

FLORENCE – Niyomukiza, a player from Burundi and a member of Libertas Livorno, has won again. And there were around 1500 at the start of the 84th Cetilar run Notturna di San Giovanni, the second oldest foot race in Italy, with departure and arrival from Piazza Duomo over a distance of 9.9 km (many, including children and teenagers, for the non-competitive 4 km) with a route completely in the historic centre.

In the men’s event, Jean Marie Vianney Niyomukiza, 26 years old, confirmed his Burundian record in 30’17” and also won in 2023, for a great encore. In second place was Ayoub Bouras, winner of the Guarda Firenze 2024, registered for GS Maiano who finished in 30’35”. On the third step of the podium, and first Italian, Vincenzo Grieco, registered for Atletica Castello, who finished in 31’04.

Among the women, in 34’34”, the thirty-nine year old, Rwandan born in 1985, Clementine Mukandanga, member of the GS Orecchiella Garfagnana, wins, eighteenth in the overall ranking. In second place was the Kenyan member of Atletica Castello, Emily Chepkomei Cheroben, finishing in 36’36”. Third place, who speaks Italian, went to the athlete Marta Bernardi, a triathlete registered for the GS Panche Castelquarto, finishing in 37’07”.

The event is organized by Firenze Marathon in collaboration with Atletica Firenze Marathon and the patronage of the Municipality of Florence, Coni and Fidal, and in partnership with the Tuscan company Pharmanutra and the Cetilar brand.


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Florence, Marta Bernandi, Mukandanga, nocturne of Saint John, Nyomukiza, Vincenzo Grieco

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