Italy 24 Press News

Polls also open in Florence, Lecce and Perugia

Throughout Italy there are 105 municipalities that return to vote in the run-offs between Sunday and Monday.

Among the most anticipated cities Florence, which could have the first female mayor. Sara Funaro, candidate of a centre-left coalition made up of Pd, Avs, Azione, +Europa and three civic lists, in the first round, in fact obtained 43.17% of the preferences against 32.87% of the former director of the Uffizi , the German Eike Schmidt, today at the helm of the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte in Naples, chosen by the centre-right. The 7.33% obtained in the first round by Stefania Saccardi, candidate of Italia Viva, and the 6.16% obtained by Cecilia Del Re, with Firenze Democratica, will be decisive. Attention to abstentionism, given that Monday in Florence will be a public holiday as Saint John is the patron saint of the city.
TO Lecce fiery runoff between Adriana Poli Bortone, candidate of the centre-right, at 49.95%, who is attempting a repeat after the mayoralty between 1998 and 2022, and the outgoing mayor Carlo Salvemini, of the centre-left, who obtained 46.73%.
Head to head also to Perugia which for the first time will be led by a female mayor. Vittoria Ferdinandi, supported by seven lists including Pd, M5s, Avs and Azione, stopped at 49.01%, while Margherita Scoccia, current councilor for urban planning, supported by the centre-right, was at 48.06%: just 598 votes difference.
Great uncertainty finally a Cremona between Alessandro Portesani Cdx (43.2%) and Andrea Virgilio Cs (41.9%) and Urbino between Maurizio Gambini Cdx (48%) and Federico Scaramucci Cs (44.7%).

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