Italy 24 Press News

Once arrived, Bugetti accelerates. One of the departments to a trusted ‘external’

Prato, 23 June 2024 – There is a certain date first municipal council of the era Bugettithere is the very probable one of the official nature of the new ‘wide field’ traction joint with the inside Five stars: Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. The mayor Ilaria Bugetti he has made an accelerated effort to find the right position on the executive in view of the first session of the city council where he will present his team. The chamber will instead be convened on Monday 24 June to meet on Wednesday 3 July: as per practice, the most voted ‘senior’ councilor from the most voted list (Pd) will open the proceedings, or rather the councilor because in that case it would be up to Benedetta Squittieri thanks to his 1,173 preferences (but the absolute record holder of consensus is Claudio Belgiorno of Brothers of Italy).

Now there is a lot of rumors swirling around the town hall about the future council even though on Thursday the mayor, on the sidelines of the presentation of the “Monteferrato Festival” in Piazza Duomo, hinted that she has the government formation in mind. All or almost all of it, because in the last few hours the hypothesis of a ‘foreign pope’ or a ‘foreign high priestess’ has emerged, that is, a profile of an external technician (or technician), a figure closely trusted by the mayor and with solid skills (not necessarily from Prato). Could you have the delegation of culture given the Mayor’s declared commitment on this front during the press conference on the “Monteferrato Festival”? It wouldn’t be so strange given that over the course of his two mandates, former mayor Biffoni also resorted to ‘external’ profiles of accredited expertise such as Valerio Barberis, Daniela Toccafondi, Flora Leoni.

The entry of an outsider into a total council that has hitherto been politically connoted would change the cards on the table because it would take away a department from the Democratic Party. But in the end the numbers will have to add up, with five men and four women. The entry of is now considered certain Chiara Bartalini of the Five Star Movement (Avs, the other coalition ally to be ‘enhanced’ in other ways), to the names of the deputy mayor Simone Faggi and the secretary Marco Biagioni those of are added Marco Sapia at Bugetti quota while the option of is increasingly popular Diego Blasithe regional spokesperson of the Democratic Party close to the secretariat but above all to the deputy Marco Furfaro.

Among the ‘biffonians’ there is a run-off among the incumbents Lorenzo Tinagli And Gabriele Alberti, former president of commission 2 and president of the city council. As far as the female component is concerned, the prices of Maria Logli who with his exploit of 1,132 preferences could become leader of the Pd group in the council while three outgoing councilors are still in play: Ilaria Santi who would return to public education, Cristina Sanzò for which the delegation of the budget is rumored e Benedetta Squittieri in her third term as councilor. Squittieri or Tinagli, if outside the council, could go on to fill the position of president of the municipal council.

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