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The Upside Down Festival arrives in the Terraglio Garden

A garden in the heart of Verona, surrounded by trees and embraced by the ancient city walls, in via Nievo. This is it new location of the Gambe all’Aria festival organized by Fucina Machiavelli and Bam! Bam! Theatre, which arrived this year at its fourth editionwhich will take place from Thursday 27th to Saturday 29th June.

This summer, thanks to the collaboration with the Polisportiva Nievo, the Terraglio Garden will open its gate, renamed for the occasion, a stone’s throw from the Fucina Machiavelli theater and Ponte Pietra, at the crossroads between via Nievo and via Madonna del Terraglio, but hidden from the eyes of the street.

Scheduled three evenings dedicated to children, young people, adults and families with artistic proposals and workshops dedicated to nature. Starting at 6pm with themed workshops and workshops. Inside the festival there is a dedicated bar. Possibility to have dinner in the park.

Thanks to the contribution of the Municipality of Verona and the support of AGSM AIM, theentry will be at responsible bidding starting from 5 euros per person and will allow access to all the activities and the evening’s show. In case of bad weather the events will move to the Teatro Fucina Machiavelli, in via Madonna del Terraglio 10, Verona.

“A summer festival that expands and enriches – declares the councilor for culture Marta Ugolini – bringing its cultural offer to the Santo Stefano district this year. Three evenings of fun for everyone in which both purely educational and cultural and highly entertaining activities will be offered. An event that brings together all the elements that as an Administration we want to promote in the area, for a culture that is not too rigid and traditional”.

“While the campuses for the little ones remained in Villa Buri, and the proposals for children School of rock and the new cinema campus Action! take place inside our theatre, this year we did together with Bam!Bam! an important choice: bring the festival to Boxing Day – explains Sara Meneghetti, artistic director of Fucina Machiavelli –. This is the neighborhood that has hosted Fucina for 9 years already and it seemed right to bring our summer proposal here, involving the nearby entities, first of all the Polisportiva Nievo, with which there was an immediate great affinity”.

The neighborhood and the people who live there became the protagonists of the short film made by the kids from the cinema campus, entitled ‘People of Boxing Day’. The short will be premiered on Saturday 29th on the final evening of the festival. “The kids really did a remarkable job – explains the teacher Lorenzo Bassotto, artistic director of Bam! Bam! Theater – by interviewing people in the neighborhood they came up with some gems.”

Gambe all’Aria was born in 2021, as a response to the most acute phase of the pandemic, with the aim of creating a place for meeting and cultural exchange in the open air. From the beginning it had two souls: formative with theater and music campuses for children and teenagers and cultural with the evening festival with shows and concerts.


Thursday 27 June

The Festival opens on Thursday 27 June with a evening dedicated to families: at 6.30pm for the little ones the Farfilò bookshop offers a journey on the paper wings of books chosen in particular for the ecological theme; for children from 7 years old there will be a special animated treasure hunt: the Terraglio garden becomes a jungle where strange encounters can be had and the children are little explorers, their language is poetry, their weapon is imagination. At 8.45pm Bam! Bam! Theater will bring it to the stage show “In the Moon, in search of George Méliés”. Everyone is capable of going “to” the moon, all you need is a spaceship and a dry suit, that’s all you need. Being “in” the moon, however, is a matter for a few, it is a state of grace, an enchanted world where everything can bend to the imagination. Retracing the vicissitudes of George Méliés, of his passion for magic, games, theatre, in short for life, we will try to discover with a small scene and with a lot of imagination how it is possible to be in the “in” in every moment of our lives, even in the most difficult ones.

Friday 28 June

The second evening is all dedicated to young people and music. A contest launched in May, Band on Airsaw the participation of more than twenty between bands and local solo musical projects with a common denominator: original music.

Among these, four selected bands will compete on Friday with rock/folk/funk on the stage under the walls, to win the public prize, a voucher for the purchase of musical instruments donated by Zecchini, and the jury’s prize: a given for a fee in the Fucina theater during the next winter season.

The jury will be made up of Giovanna Girardi, journalist specializing in music for L’Arena di Verona and other publications, Anna Polinari, musician and teacher from Verona with a soulful soul, engaged in international tours, and Andrea Marano, eclectic musician, teacher and event manager of Verona.

To warm things up, at 6.30pm Anna Polinari will propose the “Rumors in circulation” workshop dedicated to those who have a passion for singing but have never had the opportunity to study it, we will have fun entrusting the voice to a group to create something magical.

Saturday 29 June
If the first two days have no shortage of magic and sparks, the third day of the Festival is explosive and full of surprises. Saturday 29 June there are many activities on offer: fromacroyoga for enthusiasts and beginners, by the athletes of the Dhea gym in the Santo Stefano district, al movement laboratory for children (and parents who wish to join) by Marcella Galbusera of Arte3, both at 6.30pm. From the same time a l will be activeprint workshop craftsmanship that will allow adults and children to create their own print with the hot air balloon symbol of the festival, and at 7.30 pm we will have the preview screening of the documentary “Gente di Santo Stefano” produced by the children of the cinema laboratory and by the teachers Lorenzo Bassotto and Elia Pinna. The grand finale will take place at 8.45pmthe show “Paccottiglia Deluxe” by the Circo Pacco company of Parma, an award-winning show that mixes circus, clowning and comic magic for a closing with fireworks.

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