Italy 24 Press News

The Amleto Bianchi pharmacy is the first ‘Punto Viola’ in Terni

22 Jun 2024 16:56

The first ‘Punto Viola’ in Terni will be inaugurated on Friday 28 June at 6.30pm, a project of national resonance by the ‘Donne x strada’ association, supported by the Rotaract 2090 district and the Rotaract club of Terni, which has identified the Bianchi pharmacy as a place where people who are victims of violence, men and women, can ask for help. The pharmacy staff has received training from the association, from a lawyer and a psychologist, to be able to support these people.

The ‘Purple Dots’ are safe places for people. By safe places we mean any commercial establishment open to the public, sensitized and trained against gender violence and for people’s safety on the streets. The general objective is to activate the individual citizen in combating violence starting from the territory and building a network that can support the victims. The project is national in scope as there are around 400 ‘Purple Points’ already present throughout the peninsula to guarantee safety and gender equality. It is a daily point of reference and free access, a place that can be understood as a ‘first aid’ and short transit point for people who need support, to then be directed to the places most responsible for the treatment of various needs that may arise.

The Rotaract club of Terni and the Bianchi pharmacy will organize the inauguration of the first ‘Purple Point’ in Terni on Friday 28 June and during the day all citizens will be able to undergo a free cardiological screening in the pharmacy, offered by the Generali Agency of Terni. Any citizen will be able to book at the Bianchi pharmacy to have an electrocardiogram with free cardiology report. The project aims to prevent cardiovascular diseases, which still remain the leading cause of death in our country today. Places are limited, therefore telephone reservations are required on 0744.408120 or on Whatsapp on 333.3209811.

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