Italy 24 Press News

Unions in the streets of Latina for Satnam: “Enough exploitation and gangmastering”

Piazza della Libertà, in Latina, is already full of CGIL flags, where today at 5pm the demonstration organized by the union will take place against gangmastering and to demand justice regarding the death of Satnam Singh, the 31-year-old laborer of Indian origins who died after the terrible accident in which he lost his arm on a farm in Borgo Santa Maria without being helped, but was abandoned on the street by his employer.

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A double initiative by CGIL and FLAI of Frosinone-Latina who together with CGIL and FLAI of Rome and Lazio promoted a two-hour strike at the end of the shift and the demonstration in front of the Prefecture headquarters.

«A demonstration – specifies the union – to ask for dignity, respect for the health and safety of workers and the commitment of all institutions, political and social forces in combating exploitation, gang hiring and inhuman conditions, often supported by rules that fuel illegal immigration, in which people are forced to work in the agricultural sector and beyond”.

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June 21, 2024

According to the Eurispes institute, the agromafia business in Italy is worth around 24.5 billion euros, cash that derives from the cancellation of labor rights and human rights of around 450 thousand workers – Italian and foreign men and women – which remains in the pockets of masters, godfathers, traffickers and criminals of various kinds.

The Indian laborers arrive in bits and pieces, but at the moment there are mainly regular ones who come from Rome and Ladispoli. «Even if we have a residence permit and a regular contract, we live in difficult situations – they say – because we are paid little, 6-6.50 euros an hour. But today we are not here to ask for better treatment for us. Above all, we want justice for Satnam, who was treated inhumanely.”

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