Italy 24 Press News

San Pietro in Modica religious and cultural events continue

Modica – As the liturgical feast approaches, the celebrations of St. Peter the Apostle in Modica enter the heart of the celebrations. Numerous initiatives of a religious and cultural nature.

Sunday 23 June at 8.00 pm the usual Saint Peter’s Concert this year performed by the Belluardo Risadelli Band of Modica with the extraordinary participation of the Maestros: Andrea Giuffredi, Corrado Giuffredi and Fulvio Creux.

Monday 24 June at 7.00 pm Eucharistic celebration in memory of Father Carmelo Lorefice in Via Blandino in the San Giovanni district. On Tuesday at 4.30 pm a Holy Mass will be celebrated in the “San Pietro” cemetery chapel in memory of Mons. Gambuzza and all the deceased buried there.

The parish community of Sant’Anna, with the Parish Priest Sac. Crescenzio Mucia will join the community of San Pietro for a celebration in the cathedral on Wednesday 26th at 7.00 pm. Also at 7.00pm on Thursday 27th it will be the turn of the parish community of San Giorgio with a Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Provost Sac. Michele Fidone.

As regards cultural events, Monsignor Corrado Lorefice, archbishop of Palermo and Monsignor Rosario Gisana, bishop of Piazza Armerina will talk on Tuesday 25 June with Father Giovanni Salonia on the theme “Francis of Assisi today”.

Wednesday 26th at 8.00 pm at the Domus S. Petri screening of the film “Primula Rossa” by director Franco Jannuzzi and Gaetano Giunta on the paths of dignity of people with mental illnesses.

The communication of the celebrations in honor of San Pietro Apostolo, patron saint of Modica, is handled by the associations La via delle Collegiate and Petra Mazara which actively support the parish of S. Pietro Apostolo Modica.

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