Italy 24 Press News

‘Ndrangheta, hands on Abruzzo: arrests in San Salvo and Francavilla

The investigation started from Vibo Valentia. According to prosecutors, the clans have infiltrated the regional economic fabric with companies producing typical products. In total there are fourteen arrests. Among these, two also in Abruzzo, one in San Salvo, RP of 62 years and the other in Francavilla, NAP of 65 years. The first is already in prison for other crimes, the second is now under house arrest in Francavilla al Mare.

The news, exclusively this morning, is reported by Gianluca Lettieri on the Abruzzo newspaper Il Centro.

“It’s a virgin land, less burned than Calabria”. The mafiosi from the province of Vibo Valentia spoke like this about Abruzzo, without knowing they were being intercepted, while they did business in the Pescara and Chieti areas.

This is certified by the investigation by the prosecutors of Catanzaro, conducted by the Carabinieri, according to which a criminal clan has infiltrated the economic fabric of Abruzzo. He did so not only, as has happened in the past, by selling cocaine, but also by opening a series of food and wine product companies, such as prosecco, grapes, stockfish and cod.

You can find all the details on the story this morning on the regional page of the newspaper The center.

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