Italy 24 Press News

L’Aquila: the situation on Belloni, Van Rijswijk and Giuliodori

The Eagle, like all teams, is planning the next season after a Serie D championship concluded with the victory of the playoffs. The rossoblù – meanwhile – have announced the new president who is Mario Russo. However, both Salvatore Di Giovanni and sporting director Simone Perotti have left the management.

However, the first confirmations have arrived: Banegas, Del Pinto, Brunetti and Alessandretti. As for incoming shots, however, they are Belloni and Van Rijswijk the hottest names. There is an agreement with the first but obviously there are also other teams on the player and the signature can only arrive from July 1st, given that the contracts will expire on June 30th. The teams up Belloni they are in fact different and if a club does not arrive that will surpass L’Aquila’s offer, then the attacker should join the rossoblù.

Similar speech for the Dutch striker Kai Van Rijswijk. The agreement with L’Aquila exists but it will be necessary to understand whether a club (even foreign) can arrive before the beginning of July that can overcome the advances of the rossoblù.

Finally there is the matter of Gianfranco Giuliodori. The Argentine winger has done very well since his arrival in the capital and obviously many have noticed it. Pineto (we told you about it) has set its sights on him and – at the moment – ​​his future seems to be in Serie C. The EagleHowever, he would gladly bring him back to the rossoblù after the great half-season he had.

Photo credit: Notaresco Calcio

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