Italy 24 Press News

L’Aquila, the platform for sharing innovative projects in Central Italy presented

L’AQUILA – The platform for sharing innovative initiatives and projects from Central Italy developed by the CTE House of Emerging Technologies of ‘Aquila and promoted by the start-up incubators of Abruzzo, Marche and Umbria.

Promoted by the House of Emerging Technologies, together with the Invitalia Start Up System, the event saw the participation of over fifty innovative start-ups, investors and industrial partners, banking groups and research centers for around 120 participants.

“The initiative gives meaning to the project we have been working on for some time and demonstrates how functional the creation of the ‘L’Aquila Sicura’ intelligent home for security technologies was, one of the six operating throughout the national territory, promoted by this Administration . We are living in a particular historical situation for which it is necessary to instill the right confidence in investors and in those who start new businesses”. Thus the mayor of L’Aquila, Pierluigi Biondi, in his speech which opened the discussion in the presence of the regional councilor for Economic Development, Tiziana Magnacca and Stefano Massari, representative of the Mission Unit for the Reconstruction of Central Italy.

“The macro-economic data of the last 18 months indicate a nation in recovery and a substantial increase in permanent employment – ​​according to the most recent analyzes by Sole24Ore – Furthermore, Abruzzo is also experiencing a favorable period, as reported in the report of the Bank of Italy, which reports positive increases in employment and in various activities, such as the export of the pharmaceutical sector which has fundamental players in the city of L’Aquila. We are on the right path and – added Mayor Biondi – I believe that Italy’s ability to create a complete cohesion policy in which each territory experiences development, following its vocation, depends on the future of the internal areas”.

For the Director of the CTE Federico Fioriti “This event demonstrates how the creation of an Ecosystem can make a Territory attractive for innovative companies and also for young people who want to work in the so-called ‘New Jobs’. L’Aquila is demonstrating that it can be the ideal place to develop technologies and become a meeting place for innovations for Central Italy.

This Infrastructure which was launched today, in its dual digital and physical form, through connections with all the research laboratories present in the Territories, will serve to bring out and make the Innovative Companies of the Internal Areas even more competitive”.


innovation laquila platform

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