Italy 24 Press News

residence permit for justice reasons for Satnam Singh’s wife

Residency permit for reasons of justice at the wife of Satnam Singh, the 31-year-old agricultural worker who died three days ago after injuries sustained while he worked in a field in the province of Latin. It was the police headquarters of the Pontine municipality that summoned the woman, Sony, 24 years old, proposing this possibility to her, with the mediation of the CGIL.

It would be an important step for her now that she is completely alone in Italy to have not just a minimum of calm bureaucratic” but also to be able to then constitute oneself as civil party to the process for the death of her husband and thus access any possible compensation cheap.

The accusations against Lovato, the investigations

The woman, originally from Punjab like her husband, she also worked in black in the farm by Antonello Lovato, the 38-year-old who then transported Singh’s body in a van, abandoning him in the courtyard of the house where he lived as a guest of an Italian family. He is accused ofmanslaughter aggravated by negligence and from violation of safety regulations of work. But the location might get worse as the investigations entrusted by the Latina prosecutor’s office to the carabinieri of the provincial command.

The mystery of mobile phones, the “possible malice”

At the moment, in fact, we cannot find the telephones of the two Indian workers and Sony himself said that Lovato had them for him requirements immediately after the accident to prevent them from calling i rescued. A behavior that seems to constitute the acceptance of the so-called “possible fraud” which can lead to the dispute of voluntary homicide.

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