Italy 24 Press News

Dog, cat and fox dead from poisoned bait – L’Aquila

GAGLIANO ATERNO. The discovery of a carcass of a shepherd dog, which died from presumed poisoning in the Gagliano Aterno station area, prompted the owner to request the intervention of the Secinaro forestry police, who searched the area together with a patrol from the anti-poison dog unit of the Assergi Park carabinieri department.

During the inspection, the anti-poison dogs also identified the carcasses of a cat and a fox (which also died presumably due to the poison) and some small unidentifiable fragments, which gave off a strong odor. All the findings were sent to the zooprophylactic institute of Avezzano for the usual analyses. The patrol of the anti-poison dog unit cleared the area of ​​poisoned bait and morsels, lethal for the entire food chain of wild animals, which can also affect the Marsican brown bear, which has long been sighted in the Subequana Valley.

For months the L’Aquila forestry carabinieri have been collaborating closely with the anti-poison dog units of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga di Assergi National Park carabinieri department and the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park carabinieri department, implementing preventive inspections to control the phenomenon of poisoned morsels: the various inspections involved the municipalities of Scanno, Celano, Tornimparte, Montereale, Avezzano, Balsorano, Collelongo, Canistro and Tagliacozzo. From the preventive inspections conducted so far, no critical issues have emerged and no dead animals from poisoning have been found.

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