Italy 24 Press News

“Emergency days 2024” in Ferrara, five days to talk about peace and human rights

EVENTS – From Tuesday 25 to Saturday 29 June 2024 at the “Il Parco” social center, in via Canapa 4

Five days to explore current issues related to the culture of peace and respect for human rights. From Tuesday 25 to Saturday 29 June 2024 they return to Ferrara “Emergency Days”organized by the “Il Parco” Social Center, in its headquarters in via della Canapa 4, in collaboration with the Emergency Ferrara group, with debates, insights, book presentations, activities for children, music and good food.

The program of the event, in its fourteenth edition, was illustrated to the press today in the municipal residence of Ferrara by Antonella Strammiello (Emergency Ferrara group coordinator) with the Emergency Ferrara volunteers Marco Ferraresi, Raffaele Meliga And Giacomo Ciriago, Marco Zavagli (director of, Sergio Rossoni (president of Il Parco Social Center) e Andrea De Vivo (Uisp Ferrara).

THE SHEET by the organizers

The fourteenth edition of the event, from Tuesday 25 to Saturday 29 June 2024 at the “Il Parco” Social Center in via Canapa 4, will be dedicated to the values ​​and objectives of Emergency such as the promotion of a culture of peace and respect for human rights. Each day will open at 7pm with a public meeting or presentation of a book dedicated to current issues.

We will talk about anti-fascism, weapons, war and peace, rescue at sea and prison conditions in Egypt with Patrick Zaki who will tell his terrible story.

The event will then start Tuesday 25 June with the presentation of the book “Stories of anti-fascism without rhetoric”. The authors Max Collini And Arturo Bertoldi they will tell stories of resistance and anti-fascism moderated by the radio host Gianluca Morozzi.

Wednesday 26 June then the presentation of the book “I was the man of war. My life from weapons manufacturer to deminer” in which the author Vito Alfieri Fontana he will face the toll of his life, which went from being a weapons manufacturer to then being a deminer of anti-personnel mines. The journalist moderates Antonio Sanfrancesco.

Always about weapons and war it will be discussed on the third day Thursday 27 Junewith the presentation of the book “Kalashnikov. From Vietnam to Ukraine, the history of the cruel century in one weapon”. Together with the author Domenico Quirico The writer and teacher will be there to moderate Girolamo de Michele.

Friday 28 June it will be the turn of the stories and testimonies of the rescues at sea by the Emergency Life Support ship in the debate “A sea ahead” – stories from Life Support”. The emergency Italia nursing coordinator will report the stories and lives of the rescuers and those rescued Sauro Fornimoderated by the journalist Giorgia Pizzirani.

Double meeting scheduled Saturday 29 June: at 7pm Pasquale Pugliese (Nonviolent Movement)Paola Feo (Emergency) and the researcher Valentina Bartolucci they will face the difficulties of talking about peace in our times.

There will also be an opportunity to join the national campaign to object to the war promoted by the Nonviolent Movement.

Always Saturday 29 June special event from 8.30pm with the presentation of the book by Patrick Zaki “Dreams and illusions of freedom. My story”. The journalist will interview Zaki Laura Cappon.

Entry for this event is subject to availability with a maximum capacity of 120 people.

Among the new features this year are the Photo exhibition dedicated to the Emergency rescue mission at sea with the Life Support ship: the images taken by photographers who took part in the activities in the Mediterranean will allow you to get to know closely the activity of a SAR ship, the commitment of the staff on board and the stories of rescued castaways.

This year too there will be space for sporting activities always in the name of social commitment, with the 2nd inclusiveness tournament; a 5-a-side football challenge where every evening teams of children, university students, adults, teenagers and associations will compete with the aim of bringing different worlds together through sport, participation and union. There will be no shortage of activities for the little ones with dedicated space “Let’s play in peace” it’s a thematic library for adults and children organized by

Also in this edition it will be possible to enjoy an excellent dinner or a tasty beer in the food stands.

During the festival it will also be open Emergency shop where to buy many gadgets and find out about the association’s activities; here, moreover, you can try the experience of virtual reality wearing 360° viewers and board the Life Support ship.

The proceeds of the 14th edition of the Emergency Days Ferrara will be donated to the activities and projects that Emergency supports around the world.

The fourteenth edition of the Emergency Days Ferrara will also be Plastic Free.

For more information you can visit the Facebook event “EMERGENCY DAYS Ferrara – 2024” or write to [email protected]

(Communication by the organizers)

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