Italy 24 Press News

Aware mountains: the information campaign presented in L’Aquila – News

Press conference this morning in L’Aquila by Prefect Giancarlo Di Vincenzo to present the contents of the “Safe Mountain” awareness campaign, which aims to inform mountain users about the risks present in the mountain environment and the precautions to be taken to avoid them.

On this occasion, an information leaflet was presented which will be distributed in the most frequented places with the aim of raising public awareness of the need for prevention regarding the behavior and safety rules to be adopted during mountain excursions.
The Vademecum was drawn up in collaboration with the Abruzzo Regional Civil Protection Agency, the Municipality of L’Aquila, the Police Headquarters; the Carabinieri Forestry Group, the provincial commands of the Guardia di Finanza and the Fire Brigade, the National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps, the Italian Alpine Club, the National Parks of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, Gran Sasso – Monti della Laga and Maiella and the Sirente Velino Regional Natural Park.

During the press conference, the importance of prevention to be implemented was underlined, not only through the dissemination of the booklet, but also through the organization of specific courses and various awareness-raising initiatives aimed at both the population, especially young people, than to expert mountain goers.
Finally, the Prefect hoped that greater awareness of the behaviors to be adopted in the L’Aquila mountains will enable everyone to experience a unique naturalistic heritage in a virtuous manner.

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