Italy 24 Press News

Collaboration between Start Romagna and Ravenna Incoming: facilitated access to the ferry and bus service for cruise ship customers

Facilitating the movements of tourists arriving on cruise ships in transit in Ravenna through dedicated commercial services: this is the objective of a new collaboration between Start Romagna and Ravenna Incoming.

In fact, on the occasion of cruise stops in Porto Corsini, the Ravenna Incoming consortium, DMC which deals with tourist promotion and hospitality in the Ravenna area, will manage the sale of dedicated travel tickets at its information point, in particular the new ticket daily ferry for exclusive sale at the cruise port.

The new ticket, valid on the day indicated on the ticket, will allow cruise passengers to easily transfer to Marina di Ravenna using the ferry service which has been observing the summer timetable since 31 May (in force until 14 September).

For possible integration with the bus service, both from Porto Corsini and Marina di Ravenna, the Ravenna Incoming offices are able to issue timed and daily bus tickets (zone tickets, day tickets) and provide all useful information for easy access to the numerous points of attraction that the area offers.

“The need to have a return ticket to simplify the operations of cruise passengers and tourists emerged from the coordination tables on cruise logistics – declares the Tourism Councilor Giacomo Costantini – we are therefore satisfied that even on small and useful tools steps are continually being taken to better organize our city in welcoming cruises”.

“Start Romagna has in its mission the commitment to listen to the territory and to satisfy the mobility needs of today and tomorrow – says the president of Start Romagna, Roberto Sacchetti -. The need, in this case, was to facilitate the travel of cruise passengers towards the city center through the ferry service and public transport, with a promotion that was advantageous. We are pleased to collaborate with the Municipality and Ravenna Incoming to help grow and get to know the area”.

The offer completes the set of tourist and transfer services that Ravenna Incoming on makes available to those arriving in the city on cruise ships.

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