Italy 24 Press News

“Let’s help Mayor Zattini form a balanced council”

“Help mayor Gian Luca Zattini form a balanced council, based on the results of the polls, the objectives of the electoral programs voted by the citizens and the consensus obtained by the coalition”. These are the words of the deputy and president of the regional coordination of Emilia Romagna, Rosaria Tassinari. The Italian exponent argues: “In this moment of formation of the municipal council of Forlì, Forza Italia, which brought its contribution with the increase in consensus and with three councilors elected for the re-election of the mayor Gian Luca Zattini and the victory of the coalition, also requests that all coalition forces be treated equally so as not to create disparities and injustices”.

Tassinari underlines how the future council “will have to govern for five years in a united way, without internal tensions for the common good of Forlì, a characteristic of our administration rewarded by the voters”. “We at Forza Italia have managed not only to bring three councilors to the city council in Forlì, but also to form a team of qualified people in the various sectors of Forlì society, including citizens of foreign origin or representatives of the most vulnerable people, who will be to support the work of the councilors themselves and of those who will represent us on the council – continues the blue parliamentarian – Therefore the balance of political and civic forces in the formation of the council requires commitment, moderation, reasonableness, justice and responsibility from everyone, qualities which must also characterize our administration wanted by the majority of Forlì”.

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