Italy 24 Press News

Gay Pride arrives in Civitavecchia on Friday from 6pm • Terzo Binario News

M rainbow with “Nvelenate”: “We will take to the streets to demonstrate in favor of the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community”

“Pride also arrives in Civitavecchia: on June 21st at 6 pm we will take to the streets to demonstrate in favor of the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community!

It’s a party and it’s a battle! Pride means pride. Too many people are still marginalized because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and this is unacceptable.

We bring our bodies to the streets with pride, because we are all unique and we will not allow you to treat our diversity as a disadvantage: WE ARE PROUD!

The need for a square arises from the careless and homophobic attitudes perpetrated in this society and in our territory.

The Pope’s recent declarations, the current government, the far-right turn that Europe is taking, are all stances taken towards a community that already has few rights.

We want interlocutors within the institutions who are not homophobic, who do not exploit our struggles by boasting about it but then always compromising.

The entire wave, however, does not fail to hit every territory, as well as Civitavecchia, which sees an outgoing administration in full agreement with the government lines.

As a transfeminist collective we think that stances are useful, but even more there is a need for concrete actions to protect everyone.”

Marancio with “Nvelenate”

Published Thursday, June 20, 2024 @ 2:03:58 PM © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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