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The M1 races in Monza: the money is coming!

M1 Monza

All the funds necessary to cover the extra costs of this infinite work have been allocated: the construction sites have been open for 13 years. What is missing for the resumption of work and when the first trains could run.

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The M1 races in Monza: the money is coming!

# The missing 18 million euros have been allocated

Credits claudiasaracino5 IG – Palazzo Chigi

The resources are all there now, another step towards the conclusion of the construction site for the extension of the M1 towards Monza. After the sum of 20 million euros foreseen by the Objective Law and committed through CIPE resolution 56/2004, with theapproval of the amendment to the Cohesion Decree in the Budget Committee proposed by Massimiliano Romeo, Monza senator of the League, arrived on allocation of the missing 18 million euros to cover in full extra costs. The resources will be deferred until 2029. The burden has affected all the works under construction, not only in Milan, due to the increase in labor, raw materials and energy costs due to the pandemic and the energy crisis.

# The route, the stops and the reasons for an infinite work

Credits: – M1 Monza-Bettola extension

The M1 line extension project towards the north it provides a route of 1.9 km and two stops, Sesto Restellone and Cinisello/Monza Bettola. Construction began 13 years ago but due to numerous problems they have not yet reached completion. First of all the change of three companies, Then several refinancings and it stop to the shopping center project placed above the future terminus.

M1 and M5

The builders of the new maxi area intended for retail should have carried out part of the work on the future terminus, partially resumed in recent months, as well as a car park, initially expected to be approximately 2,500 seats car, intended for the shopping center itself e to the users of metropolitan. In Bettola it is in fact expected not only the arrival of the M1 but also the interchange with the M5 up to Monza. Own the onerousness of the contract caused by construction site stop The latest company in charge of the work on the red line, the De Sanctis, to terminate the contract in spring 2023.

Read also: Metro M5 towards Monza: what’s missing to start construction sites

# The situation of the construction site and what is missing to continue

Roberto di Milano FB – Bettola shipyard

At what stage is the construction site? The tunnels have been excavated some time ago, the Sesto Restellone station has in fact been completed about two years ago, while the terminus remains to be completed. Now that the financing problem has been resolved, there are still some issues to resolve. First of all yet another must be called tender notice to assign the works to a new company, with expected times of approximately 9 months to get the construction site moving again. Lacks then the final project for the maxi shopping centre, to be built in place of the area previously occupied by Auchan where preparatory works had begun in November 2023. Finally, it must be understood how the project will be achieved parking for commuters.

# Inauguration no earlier than 2029

M1 Monza

The duration of the works is estimated at approximately about 4 years and therefore, if they were to resume on schedule, i first trains they should end up in Bettola, not before 2029. There is one of the most pessimistic Martina Sassoli, regional councilor of Lombardy Migliore, who believes opening the extension is feasible not before 2031 due to the possible appeals and all the timescales necessary for the construction sites to restart.

Continue reading with: The never-ending story of the subway in Monza: the new dates for the M1 and the 7 stops of the M5


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