Italy 24 Press News

Don Bosco Park, tensions with the Police since dawn: activists in the trees


At Don Bosco Park the tension began early this morning. Activists yesterday promised “battle” to prevent the cutting of trees.

Shortly after 6 am, several vans arrived in Viale Aldo Moro with officers in riot gear and some clashes occurred.

Opponents of the new Besta schools project therefore intend to prevent the start of construction of the cycle path included in the tram red line project in via Aldo Moro. In the clashes, a girl was injured in the head and a boy was crushed by the charge while he was on the ground.

“Really dangerous actions – reports the activist Gianni De Giuli – with an activist in the tree and the police pulling him by the legs, a sort of aerial duel”. A lady fell ill during the scuffles and was helped by the 118 health workers.

“We are activists who are defending the trees that must be cut down for an absurd project – explains De Giuli – that is, creating a cycle path that already exists inside the park, the public greenery is being cut down for a work that is of no use to anyone “.

“The service immediately proved problematic due to the presence in the area of ​​approximately 50-60 people, positioned inside the park in such a way as to hinder the implementation of the planned works – reports the Police Headquarters – In particular, the demonstrators positioned themselves in several points of the Park, preventing the workers from approaching the trees, sitting and lying at the base of them, or tying themselves up and even positioning themselves on top of the branches”.

“A protester, an Italian boy – we read in the note from Piazza Galilei – who had positioned himself on a tree, punched an operator of the Mobile Department who was trying to get him down, which is why he was taken to the local offices of the Police Headquarters in order to proceed within the terms of the law; an Italian girl was also accompanied who slapped a digos operator”.

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