Italy 24 Press News

«Riceci, the Region puts the restriction so the landfill will be blocked immediately»

PESARO – Obtaining the landscape restriction on the gully landscape of Petriano is the last opportunity to block the project of the large industrial waste landfill of Marche Multiservizi with the San Marino partner in Riceci. Pd regional councilors Micaela Vitri and M5S Marta Ruggeri know this well and have called a press conference to once again urge the Marche Region to declare this restriction and thus block the construction of the landfill.

The consent of the Province

«The Province has already presented a document at the end of May with 7 reasons for its opposition – says Vitri, summarizing the request made by the Municipality of Petriano – therefore the Viale Gramsci body has already done its part, now the ball is in the court Region that must express its opinion on the landscape restriction and must do so quickly because the deadline is August 8, the date of the decision-making conference on whether or not to authorize the project.”

This is the urgency of the conference underlined by the two councilors so that the population knows that by that date if Acquaroli and Aguzzi, governor and councilor for the environment do not establish the bond, the project will be able to have the green light. «On this topic we have always moved forward in tandem with the Democratic Party – Marta Ruggeri intervenes – and we have also presented various documents but the Region initially turned the other way and now proves to be totally non-compliant». Ruggeri also recalls his motion on updating the regional waste plan discussed in February 2023, rejected at the time by the majority and defined as useless by councilor Aguzz.i «That motion contained aspects which, if approved, would not have made this appeal necessary today ».

Retracing the stages of the story, on March 20th the technical commission met to evaluate the landscape restriction, on April 16th the same commission went to Riceci for an inspection. «From 16 April to today Aguzzi has had two months to declare the landscape restriction and he should have already done so – insists Vitri – which is why we are worried. Not only that, for a few days the company Aurora srl ​​has resumed the surveys on site, therefore a sign that we need to act immediately.”

Petriano’s request

Invited to the conference was Gianluca Carrabs, regional coordinator of Green Europe from the beginning on the anti-landfill front. «Already in December 2023 the Municipality of Petriano asked for the landscape restriction for the Riceci area; therefore today we are here to destroy all the alibis of the centre-right in the Region. There has been no response for six months, the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement have repeatedly asked for an account, both the Province and the Superintendence have given a positive opinion on the restriction. We at Green Europe join this request. I hope for the Region to become aware.”


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Adriatic Courier

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