Italy 24 Press News

Working in the Marche is riskier than elsewhere, Uil: “Real emergency, targeted interventions are needed” – picenotime

In the Marche region, work is more at risk of accidents than the Italian average. This is made known Uil Marche which, analyzing Inail data on severity indices in the three-year period 2017-2018-2019 (the only three-year period investigated by Inail which is not affected by the Covid incidence) found a Marche data of 1.79 against an average Italian index of 1, 46. Making the figure soar are sectors such as construction (4.76), transport and warehousing (4.18), metallurgy (3.71) or manufacturing of non-metallic metal products (3.38) which also correspond to the sectors in which saw the majority of accidents recorded throughout the region in the last four months. The investigation was also the subject of the assembly with which Uil Marche brought together the RSU delegates, the RLS and the RLST of the region in recent days to highlight, in the presence of the regional Health and Safety coordinator of Uil Marche, Riccardo Morbidelli, and of the national secretary, Ivana Veronese, the essential role of these figures in the workplace within production activities. Of the 5,309 reported cases of accidents, of which three were fatal, from January to April (+0.68% compared to the same period in 2023), almost 40% came from six Ateco sectors: construction (+12.73%), transport and warehousing (+10.36%), manufacturing of machinery and equipment nec (+19.44%), metal manufacturing (+2.25%) but also accommodation and catering (+47.50%) and retail and wholesale trade and car and motorcycle repairs (+36%). “Starting with these sectors – comments the general secretary of Uil Marche, Claudia Mazzucchelli – the Region and the administrations competent in the matter should pay greater attention to prevention, finalizing significant funding and targeted initiatives, to combat this real accident and occupational disease emergency. As a trade union we have been carrying out the Zero deaths at work campaign for years because this can no longer be defined as an emergency but is becoming a structural problem, which can only be eradicated by combining effective prevention with a serious system to combat illegality”. Things are no better in terms of occupational diseases, which grew by 13.9%, considering the 2,801 events reported in 2024, compared to the 2,459 in 2023. The most significant increase was recorded in the province of Ancona (+45.37%), while decreases significantly in that of Pesaro Urbino (-6.89%). Occupational cancers are increasing from 10 cases in 2023 to 17 in 2024 and osteomuscular diseases which, with 1,728 reported events, recorded an increase of +7.52%.

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