Italy 24 Press News

Bringing the dog to the office: at Ats you can, it’s already a habit for 13 employees

In Flavia’s office there is Apollo known as “the mussel”, a mixed breed who lives in symbiosis with his mistress. In Carlo’s, Jacky, a lively and curious wire-haired Jack Russell, wags his tail. Laura, on the other hand, comes to work with her Ettore, known to all as “the transporter”: he is the one who brings her badge, various bags and umbrellas in the morning. Apollo, Jacky and Hector are three of the thirteen four-legged friends who regularly frequent the ATS Brescia offices. For a year and a half, in fact, the Territory Protection Agency directed by Claudio Sileo has adopted a decree and a regulation which allow permanent employees to stay in the office with their dog. «A corporate welfare measure», underlines Roberta Vitali (director of the Sc Hygiene of livestock and livestock production of the Veterinary Department of Ats) which aims to reduce stress and promote socialization and interpersonal empathy. «Thanks to dogs we communicate more – observes Vitali flanked by Pepa, her 9-year-old German dachshund who is dozing on a chair -. Adherence to the proposal was gradual and did not stop. Some colleagues have even considered buying a dog stimulated by this very possibility.”

What is needed

Ettore with the badge ©

The rules to follow are simple: «The animal – explains Vitali – must be registered in the regional registry of companion animals (Aaa), be insured for damages against third parties, regularly vaccinated, have a leash and, in tow, a muzzle. Those classified as dangerous are not allowed. And for specimens weighing more than 25 kilos we ask for a behavioral evaluation.” Furthermore, the owner must have attended the courses (which Ats also organises) for the issuance of the «license». Fundamental, then, is the consent of office colleagues: “Lacking that, we had to reject the request on two occasions.”

Also in Bicocca

In Italy, dogs are allowed in companies such as Google, Purina (for ten years), Ats of the metropolitan city of Milan and recently also at Bicocca University (where researchers, teachers and technical-administrative staff can also bring their own cats). In Ats Brescia – a company which has a total of 420 employees – the decision was taken following the Covid period “to respond to a personal need, expressed by some employees, to bring a part of home to the office”. During the emergency, dogs were, in fact, an emotional support in terms of affection and relationships. So the offices (not just those of the headquarters) have started to be populated with puppies like Aaron, a trained Staffordshire Terrier who proves to be very attached to his owner. «For me he is like a friend- he claims-. I’ll gladly take it to work.”

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