Italy 24 Press News

Civitanova Marche, kayaking in search of the record: Alessandro Gattafoni’s challenge to cystic fibrosis – Macerata News – CentroPagina

CIVITANOVA – The second stage of the fourth edition of was presented this morning in the Municipality of Civitanova Marche 125 Miles for a Breathan initiative created by Alessandro Gattafoni and promoted by the Italian Cystic Fibrosis League (LIFC), an association of patients and families, to raise public awareness of the knowledge of the disease and the importance of sport for people affected, like Alessandro, by cystic fibrosis.

After three editions which saw him kayak the Adriatic Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea, today Alessandro has already set off on a new adventure. The 2024 edition is divided into three distinct events but united by a single intent: to raise awareness of cystic fibrosis and talk about healthcare for patients, guaranteed by the regional treatment centers present throughout almost all of Italy.

The June 21st in Civitanova Marchehis city of origin, Alessandro will attempt to certify the record distance traveled in 24 hours on a sea kayak. «I will have to paddle along a stretch of sea delimited by two buoys, in the presence of a federal judge who will certify the distance – explains Alessandro –: my goal is to overcome the current record of 160 km. I am training with a very demanding program, even though I am aware that this challenge is above all a “mental” undertaking, which is why I am also combining physical exercise with psychological training. I am very confident in the fact that I will be in “my” sea, I will be in Civitanova and I will be able to count on the affection and support of many people who will be rooting for me.

Furthermore for the 21 and 22 June, the days of the undertaking, various awareness events are planned along the coast of Civitanova Marche created with the involvement of some local entities and with the collaboration of LIFC Marche.

«As the municipal administration we want to thank those who organized this event – ​​he underlines Claudio Morresi, vice mayor of Civitanova Marche – We have known each other for a long time with Alessandro and we want to praise him for the important message he brings to all of us. Sport can help and stimulate especially the younger ones, teaching them to accept even defeats and when the testimonials are people like Alessandro the message is even stronger. As an administration we will always be close to him and we will support him in the future too.”

«Alessandro manages to make his undertakings seem easy. In reality he himself is an emblem of this invisible disease – explains Laura Baldoni of LIFC Marche –. Whoever sees Alessandro sees a person who performs extraordinary feats, but in reality what cannot be seen is a lot: there is a whole world made up of falls, sacrifices, therapies, hospitalizations, medications to be taken daily For all life. Alessandro gives the opportunity to highlight all that is good despite the illness. Four years ago, with his first venture, he turned the spotlight on cystic fibrosis. This is a very important aspect for us at LIFC because we care very much about making this pathology known and also making people understand how important it is to invest in it in terms of fundraising and resources for research, with the aim of increasingly improving the quality of life of patients . Sport is almost a component of therapy for those suffering from cystic fibrosis and this is a very important message for patients and for everyone in general. Promoting sport is always a great satisfaction for us.”

Antonio Guarini, vice president of LIFC, continues: «We are very honored and happy for this fourth edition also because we are the only Italian association that has a patient as a testimonial. Alessandro is a patient who speaks directly to other patients, he is a point of reference for others. Sport is fundamental for this disease, it is medicine. In the last 10 years the quality of life of patients has improved greatly thanks to new medicines and new scientific discoveries, but as LIFC we are committed to making cystic fibrosis known also to sports federations where awareness of this disease is often completely lacking. illness”.

«The 125 Miglia per un Respiro initiative is now a consolidated event – ​​states Gianna Puppo Fornaro, LIFC president – ​​which as an association of patients and families we are happy to support, as its objective is to raise awareness of cystic fibrosis, the most widespread serious genetic disease which is still little known today. Initiatives like those of Alessandro are important to promote knowledge of the disease and to give courage to the over 6,000 patients with cystic fibrosis in Italy and to all those who experience disability as a resource to never stop looking beyond.”

The regional councilor was also present Filippo Saltamartini: «Alessandro is a giant in sport and is a model of lifeis the icon of how we should all be and I hope that younger people can take him as inspiration to face their own destiny.”

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