Puglia, Digital transformation: transport and logistics, growing sectors

Puglia, Digital transformation: transport and logistics, growing sectors
Puglia, Digital transformation: transport and logistics, growing sectors

Job opportunities and demand for highly specialized professionals in logistics and transportation, strategic and rapidly growing sectors, are increasing.

These sectors are affected by profound changes due to technological innovation and digital transition, for which training, digital skills, ability to use and manage artificial intelligence, robotics, big data, assume centrality.

It was discussed in the conference room of Aeroporti di Puglia during the conference on: “Digital Transformation in Logistics and Transport: technologies, companies, people”.

The event is promoted by ITS Academy Mobilità in collaboration with Confindustria Bari and BAT (Transport & Logistics Section), within the project “ISACC+ Innovative Systems to accomplish secure Cross-border Controls”, funded by INTERREG IPA South Adriatic. ITS Academy Mobilità is the leader of the project aimed at promoting the optimization, automation and digitalization of goods control and safety processes between Italy, Albania and Montenegro. The other partners are: University of Salento, Confimi Albania, University of Montenegro and University of Durres.

Joseph Totorizzopresident of the Transport and Logistics section of Confindustria Bari and Bat, highlighted the great potential of the sector. “Digital is changing the world of transport and logistics,” he said, “digitalization generates opportunities, greater efficiency and greater safety. The data confirms this. In 2023, new hires on a regional scale in the field of transport and logistics were around 5,000. The prospects for the use of digital technologies are enormous: in the maritime field, there is already talk of autonomous navigation vessels. However, there is a shortage of human resources with digital skills. The future of transport is played out on digitalization and the availability of young people with the skills needed to lead this transformation. Today we are here with ITS Logistica Puglia, together we are talking to start training courses that meet the needs of companies.”

«Our ITS – he stressed Silvio Busicopresident of ITS Academy Mobilità (the new name of ITS Logistica Puglia, ed.) – is investing heavily in the 5.0 transition, especially in the field of technological innovation. The great opportunity offered by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is allowing us to create highly technological laboratories throughout Puglia, significant investments in warehouse robotics and other segments of the production process. With ISAAC+ we are capitalizing on a success already achieved by our ITS in the transnational partnership that deals with border control and that has changed the vision of logistics and transport».

Puglia is accelerating the digitalization of material and immaterial infrastructures, supporting the digital transformation in logistics and transport. This was confirmed Alessandro Delli Noci, regional councilor for Economic Development who brought greetings to the initiative. Puglia has huge resources available. The Pnrr allocates 744 million euros to mobility, infrastructure and transport. The largest portion is for rail transport with almost 600 million euros, but interventions are also planned for cycle paths, buses and hydrogen for rail transport. Furthermore, Puglia could soon be affected by another innovation in this field. In the next few days, a provision for the introduction of the “ferrobonus” on a regional scale will be brought to the attention of the regional council, which will be added to the state one. This was announced in his speech by Vito Antonio Antonacci, director of the Mobility Department of the Puglia Region.

Aeroporti di Puglia is fully involved in the digital transition process. «We have placed the digital transformation of our airports at the foundation of our industrial plan – he said Anthony Mary Vasilepresident of Puglia Airports – with reference to both passenger and freight transport. We pay great attention to new technologies, thanks also to the presence in AdP of highly capable managerial know-how».

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