Italy 24 Press News

Marche Region Consultors “We’re just not there!”

CGIL, CISL and UIL Marche, present today at the meeting of the Regional Council to listen to the Region’s position with respect to the points included in the Agenda, given the lack of response to the requests sent primarily to the equal opportunities councilor but also, on May 2nd, to President Acquaroli, President Latini and councilor Saltamartini of whom we have not had any feedback, on the full application of Law 194 and the possibility of associations to operate within family counseling centers, in line with the amendment inserted by the Government national in the decree on measures financed by the Pnrr and approved by the Senate.

«We strongly reiterate that the aforementioned rule must not represent the attempt in this region, Of to confuse The “support And support at the motherhood” with with a ban on interruption Of pregnancy, creating a pass at aforementioned associations inside of of the counseling centers and blaming women. This would represent an attack on women’s right to self-determination but also an attack on public health and the organization of clinics, emptied of staff and guarantees of women’s right to health.underline Eleonora Fontana and Loredana Longhin of CGIL Marche, Cristiana Ilari, CISL Marche and Claudia Mazzucchelli, UIL Marche – This is why we continue to support and claim, even in this region, that the only experience that consultants need is that of gynaecology, psychology, obstetrics staff, social workers who deal with women’s health in all phases of life and in different conditions.”

«In fact, the data from the Marche region do not reassure us both with respect to the serious problem of the shortage of personnel, who are not replaced upon retirement, and with respect to the risk of the transfer of the few residual functions, calling into question the role and function of the consultants, therefore respect for public service guarantees to secularism and ethics public shared. – they continue Fontana, Longhin, Ilari and Mazzucchelli As trade union organizations we reiterate that support for maternity is not nourished by rhetoric but by actions on the front of labor and welfare policies.

In order to be truly free to choose, women need quality, well-paid work and structural measures to support parenthood. The policy of bonuses and spot provisions, in addition to not solving any problems, creates great damage, that of taking away hope in future. – they conclude – That hope for the future which it is our duty to nourish with our daily commitment to defending women’s rights at all stages of their lives.”

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