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Cagliari, poll from B for a Primavera team: the latest

It promises to be a summer of changes at home Cagliari. After the farewell of Claudio Ranieri, the Sardinians are in fact looking for a new coach who will give continuity to the work carried out over the last two years. News that could also concern the Springwith several players who would be ready to make the definitive leap between the professionals.

Cagliari, a Primavera could start: the latest

The Cagliari Primavera was the protagonist of a season of absolute level. Against all odds, the Sardinians fought for the area until two days before the end playoffs. Who has confirmed that he has all the requirements to make the leap to the professionals is Riyadh Idrissia defender who this year also wore the captain’s armband. As reported by TMW, in B series there Reggiana he would have his eyes on the full-back. For Idrissi it would be a big leap, considering the level of the cadet championship. The 19-year-old could be the natural replacement for Edoardo Pieragnoloformer Spring of Sassuolo who could return to the neroverdi after the loan. In the past few weeks, .embed-comment-icon { display:inline-block; width:20px; height:20px; background-color:transparent; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:20px; background-position:center; transition:background .1s ease-in; position:relative; top:5px; background-image:url(“data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8, 200%2020%2020%27%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D%27M5%202h9q.82%200%201.41.59T16%204v7q0%20.82-.59%201.41T14%2013h-2l-5%205v-5H5q-.82 %200-1.41-.59T3%2011V4q0-.82.59-1.41T5%202z%27%20fill%3D%27%2382878c%27%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E”) } @media screen and (min-width : 481px) { .slyvi-news-embed-wrapper img { max-width: 250px; } }

there was also talk of the possibility of Idrissi being added to the Cagliari first team next year.

Riyad Idrissi Credit CAGLIARI FOOTBALL

Who is Riyad Idrissi: the characteristics

As mentioned above Idrissi is only 19 years old, but he has already shown that his time is most likely in Spring it’s over. Left back capable of covering the role of full-back. Left-handed, he has a good physical structure, which he combines speed and technique. In this championship he literally “plowed” all the fields he played on, showing very high resistance over the course of ninety minutes. The bonus item is also interesting for him, 34 appearances in the season with 3 goals and 4 assists, where he came close to the threshold of 3000 minutes. Interesting prospect who has already signed a pro contract and is on the Italian national team, he will certainly be able to have his say in Serie A, at Cagliari decide whether to bet on him or not.

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