Italy 24 Press News

Church and Region together. Sicily will donate the oil for the votive lamp of Saint Francis in Assisi (interviews) – Alpauno

Sicily is the region chosen for 2024 to offer the oil that fuels the votive lamp that burns, day and night, in Assisi, on the tomb of Saint Francis. The event, which is repeated every year with the participation of a different region on the occasion of the 4th October celebration, involves the entire Sicilian population. The details of the initiative were presented at Palazzo d’Orléans, in Palermo, by the president of the Sicilian Region Renato Schifani and by the president of the Sicilian Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Antonino Raspanti from Alcamo. Also present were the custodians of the Sacred Convent of San Francesco in Assisi and the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Porziuncola, the mayors of Palermo and Assisi as well as the representatives of the eighteen dioceses of Sicily. On this occasion, the logo created by the Region that will mark all the social and civil events capable of attracting thousands of pilgrims was also revealed. The Churches of the island will donate one thousand liters of oil (60 for each diocese) to power the Assisi lamp. The event “Keepers of beauty, let’s light up hope” will involve the entire island in Assisi, twenty-one years after the last participation, in 2003. A very rich program of events that will begin at 4.30 pm on October 3rd

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