Padua: I Solisti Veneti. Sound Architecture

Padua: I Solisti Veneti. Sound Architecture
Padua: I Solisti Veneti. Sound Architecture

Appointment with great music the July 4, 2024 at 9:00 pm at the Net Center in Piazza Aldo Moro in Padua for the concert featuring the Orchestra de The Venetian Soloistsdirected by Maestro Giuliano Carella, promoted by the Net Center Complex.

Piazza Aldo Moro, a space with an impactful European feel, is located in the heart of the architectural structure of the Net Center, a multifunctional space designed by architect Aurelio Galfetti. The outdoor area extends over a raised pedestrian platform, completely covered in slate, with a clear preference for horizontality, with the exception of the Tower building that dominates with its height of over 85 meters. The peculiarity of the entire Complex is based on the maximum evidence of the structures: transparency, reflections and brightness characterize these architectures included in a steel structure. On July 4th I Solisti Veneti offer the public a kaleidoscopic musical evening that ranges from Tartini to Vivaldi, from Telemann to Bazzini, concluding with Nino Rota.
We begin with a fitting tribute to Tartini and the performance of the Symphony à quattro in G major for strings and basso continuo. Sometimes rebellious children make their way. And Giuseppe Tartini’s life was marked by rebellion. His parents hindered his passion for the violin, while instead, thanks to his extraordinary talents, Tartini became a virtuoso violinist and an excellent composer.

From Vivaldi’s Eighth Opera “Il Cimento dell’Armonia e dell’Invenzione” we will listen to Concerto No. 9 in D minor and Concerto No. 12 in C major, both for oboe, strings and basso continuo. Vivaldi’s work contributed significantly to the development of the concerto, especially solo, and of violin technique and orchestration. Despite the great popularity he immediately achieved throughout Europe, only a small part of Vivaldi’s impressive concert production was published during his lifetime. The title highlights Vivaldi’s desire to compose harmonious melodies, but also to experiment with new compositional paths.

We then move on to Telemann with the Concerto in G major for viola, strings and basso continuo. Of the two great stylistic currents of early eighteenth-century music, the Italian and the French, there is no doubt that Georg Philipp Telemann preferred the latter. The Concerto in G major for viola is – confirming Telemann’s marked sensitivity for instrumental timbres – one of the first of its kind, having probably been composed between 1712 and 1721 when the composer was active in Frankfurt am Main as director of the private Collegium Musicum of the Frauenstein family. The Concerto is, of course, in the Italian style: Telemann masters this style to his fullest, devising orchestral ritornellos of plastic evidence and brilliant and imaginative solo episodes.

The Solisti Veneti will then offer the public the Fantasia on Giuseppe Verdi’s “Traviata” op. 50 for violin and strings by Antonio Bazzini, a tightrope-walking interpretation of some of Verdi’s most famous themes that brings the soloist to extreme virtuosity. read the rest of the article»

The evening closes with “Fantasia on themes from the soundtrack of the film “Romeo and Juliet” by Franco Zeffirelli for oboe and strings” by Nino Rota. A first ever performance of the version reworked by Chiara Mario – 2024, dedicated to “I Solisti Veneti”. The director of I Solisti Veneti, Maestro Giuliano Carella, tells us about this choice at the end of the concert: “Fantasia was commissioned by the Solisti to Chiara Mario, a composer from Padua. During their last concert in Switzerland, in Martigny, Gianadda, honorary president of the Solisti Veneti and a lifelong friend of Claudio Scimone, had expressly asked to organize, in the concert that the Solisti performed at the Gianadda Foundation every two years, a tribute to Nino Rota. Gianadda, who already knew he was seriously ill, would have liked to hear the most important themes of Rota’s compositions in a string concert. We have therefore decided to pay homage to the honorary president who recently left us and at the Net Center we will present, in an absolute premiere, a 10-minute concert of music composed by Chiara Mario taken from Romeo and Juliet from the famous film by Zeffirelli“.

The event organizer Andrea Garbo (Administrator and founder of the companies Block and Building and Ddg) says: “This is the third concert of I Solisti Veneti directed by Giuliano Carella at the Net Center. The first two represented “Ideas to Play”. This year’s concert will be called “Sound Architectures”. The title was suggested by Adalberto Zanella of I Solisti Veneti, unconsciously hitting the point of today. In 2021 the first ideas; in 2022 Sustainable ideas; in 2023 the realization of sustainable ideas with the realization of what was promised in 2022; in 2024 the Architectural Complex that plays thanks to its shape and its materials, slate and glass. The Net Center has completed the first step towards certification on sustainable impact with respect to the city that contains it. It has in fact obtained the Earth Check Bronze Benchmarked, which is no small feat for a building that turns 20 in 2024. For its 20th birthday, it has decided to join, as a signatory, with the Municipality of Padua, the plan for climate neutrality to share the creation of “climate neutral and smart cities” where Padua is one of the 100 European cities that by 2030 have committed to being climate neutral so that, from this experimentation and innovation, a model is created for all the others to follow. That Padua, together with the Net Center Complex and I Solisti Veneti – who are also part of the sustainability project –, is at the same level as cities such as Stockholm, Copenhagen, Rotterdam, Lisbon, Lyon, Paris, Milan, Helsinki, I think can be a source of pride for a Real Estate Complex that is no longer a rigid object placed on a surface, but an entity connected to the same surface on which it was built, where the objects that compose it and the people who live in it communicate with each other. Entity that has the desire to communicate with others of its kind“.

Main sponsor NET Center

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