Italy 24 Press News

Frosolone (Isernia), book presentation – Forche Caudine

On Sunday 23 June 2024, from 6 pm, at the Epica-Villa Artemide cultural center in Frosolone (Isernia), “Where the snowdrops appear – Letters from the Matese” will be presented, a collection of letters edited by Monica Ferri, teacher of literary subjects and consultant graphologist, who pulled out from the drawer of memories the twenty-eight letters written by her grandmother Brigida De Gregorio in the summer of 1969, during a stay in Campitello Matese.

The book “Where snowdrops appear”

With her sagacious “pen”, between classicism and modernity imbued with biting irony, Gida, as everyone called her, far from the noisy contemporaneity, told her friends anecdotes and little adventures, against the backdrop of a lush and wild nature, inhabited and guarded by a pastoral world made of wisdom and profound moral principles. A keen gaze, capable of scrutinizing man and things, drawing landscapes, even interior ones, thus giving impressionist “paintings” of rare beauty, with a sumptuous language, rich in neologisms, but above all in human poetry.

The event, which will see the presence of the book’s curator, among readings, images and words, will also be an opportunity to present the new independent and non-paid publishing reality, illustrating the numerous series, the territorial and social projects to which it is linked and the future challenges it is facing.

Who was Brigida De Gregorio

Brigida De Gregorio (1908-1978), of Albanian origin, born in Campomarino (Campobasso), was a primary school teacher, poet and writer in step with pre-avant-garde literature for forty years. Winner of the Silver Medal at the 1971 Convivial Competition, she collaborated on literary magazines with her short stories and poems (Il Pungolo Verde, Literary Convivio, Presenza). In the photo above, Brigida is the last on the right with some of her colleagues.

Who is Monica Ferri

Monica Ferri lives in Chieti. She graduated in classics and teaches literary subjects in high school. You followed a four-year graphology course at Asergraf in Pescara. She is a passionate graphologist, she takes care of portraits of artists’ personalities and collaborates with our magazine with graphological contributions. You promote and organize cultural events and meetings with authors in your city at bookshops, institutions or associations and are on the juries of some literary prizes. You are currently studying forensic expertise at the Arigraf (Italian Association of Graphological Research) in Rome. She has always had a deep love for literature and poetry. She has collaborated with her verses in some anthologies by various authors (for Irdi Destinazionearte) and has published with Massimo Pamio for Edizioni Mondo Nuovo Who was Gabriele d’Annunzio And Who was Francesco Paolo Michetti (2024).

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