Italy 24 Press News

The Ass. Gian Franco Lupo donates two defibrillators to the Matera Police Headquarters

This morning in Policoro, the President of the Gian Franco Lupo Association “A smile to life” – OdV – ETS of Pomarico handed over two automatic defibrillators to the Police Commissioner of Matera Emma Ivagnes. Present at the ceremony was Chief Commissioner Salvatore D’Elia, director of the Pisticci police station and temporarily of the Policoro police station.

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The two defibrillators were placed inside the two police stations of Policoro and Pisticci. They can be used, in emergency cases, not only for State Police personnel, but for all those who, citizens using the police station or even anyone nearby, may need them.

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“In particular, it could be useful in view of the many tourists who will flock to the Ionian coast in the coming summer months,” said Commissioner Ivagnes.

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Good relations have long existed between the State Police and the Gian Association in the context of initiatives with social purposes and education on legality.

The donation, by will of the president of the Association, Michele Lupo, will be dedicated to the memory of the First Director of the State Police Paolo Scrofani, Gold Medal for Civil Valour.

“The Association thus intends to highlight” said Michele Lupo “the thin thread that unites the Director of the State Police to Gian Franco, since the funds raised by the family to honor the sacrifice of Dr.’s life. Scrofani were donated for the expansion and adaptation of the hospitality structure for small cancer patients where Gian Franco was hosted to carry out the bone marrow transplant”.

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