Italy 24 Press News

Kicking and punching an elderly man to rob him of 5 euros in the public gardens in Turin: he is on a guarded prognosis

Blind violence for just five euros. It happened in the early afternoon yesterday in Turin in Piazza Bottesini, in the suburban neighborhood of Barriera in Milan, where a man attacked an elderly man sitting on a garden bench.

He first asked him for money, receiving a refusal. He then beat him with kicks and punches, even hitting him with his walker.

Some residents who witnessed the scene called the police. Police cars, army soldiers and 118 operators intervened on site. They provided first aid to the injured elderly man, then the officers arrested the citizen of Moroccan origin for attempted murder and attempted robbery. The victim is in hospital at San Giovanni Bosco with a reserved prognosis.

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Verangela Marino, group leader of the Brothers of Italy in District 6, denounced the episode: “I find it unworthy and shameful that these episodes can occur at two in the afternoon.”

An episode of urban violence following a violent street argument on Sunday: a fight in the street between two brothers with kicks, punches and insults at each other. Until the Carabinieri intervene, called to the spot by those present, to separate them. At that point the brothers’ anger is also unleashed on the soldiers. The two Romanians, 36 and 38 years old, attacked the Carabinieri, who arrested them for resisting a public official and causing personal injury.

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It happened on Sunday evening, dinner time, in the Falchera district. The two brothers, both living in Turin, are in an association in via Germagnano. They argue among themselves, but the tone quickly becomes heated. One of the two lashes out at the other, who reacts. Punches are thrown, insults are thrown. A violent argument begins which is witnessed by some witnesses who, alarmed, immediately call 112.

The three car radios of the Carabinieri Radiomobile Unit attempted to quell the dispute. They seek a dialogue with their brothers. But instead of calming down, the two also lash out against the military. They are first taken to the emergency room to have their injuries reported and then to a safety cell for a very direct procedure. They will have to answer for resisting a public official and personal injury.

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