Italy 24 Press News

Data and mobile network, Vodafone – Ente Autonomo Volturno study on mobility in Campania

I study

Volturno Autonomous Body And Vodafone Businessthanks to the resources made available by Campania region And Ministry of Transport using the resources of the national plan complementary to PNRR, pursuant to Ministerial Decree n.363/21, have started a mobility study focused on the area of ​​influence of the EAV Network and more generally of the Campania Region. This study will allow us to quantify and qualify movements across the territory and their variation over time. The objective is to monitor the evolution and needs of the sector, to better plan future investments in infrastructure and the planning of TPL services, both on road and rail.

The study conducted by EAV, a company that manages the regional public rail and car transport service of the Campania Region together with the Vodafone division dedicated to companies and the Public Administration, made it possible to analyze not only the extent of the movements but also the characteristics of the travel and users.


The technology used is that of Vodafone Analyticswhich collects data from the mobile network in real time – non-personal and anonymized in full compliance with privacy legislation – guaranteeing very precise temporal and spatial information based on the data generated by the Vodafone network through the analysis of approximately 23 million SIM, 200 thousand cell phones located throughout the country and 30 billion referenced daily positions.

The calculations on mobility habits in the Campania region were conducted with the support of two Vodafone Business partner companies for the solution Vodafone Analytics: Motion Analyticaan innovative start-up that analyzes the movement of people and things to offer solutions based on data and artificial intelligence, and GO Mobility, a company specialized in the analysis and planning of mobility through big data and the development of mobility models simulation.

The value of big data

“Through correct data analysis, it is possible to obtain strategic information useful for improving operational processes, also allowing the identification of new opportunities and advantages in the field of mobility”, says the president Umberto De Gregorio of EAV. “The study proposed by Vodafone Business and more generally their Analytics tools will allow us greater coherence between the planning of new investments and the desires of the territory”.

“Being an enabler of digitalisation to improve services to citizens and businesses. This is the objective we pursue as Vodafone Business Italia, making connectivity and innovative solutions available to the Public Administration, companies and society to activate and accelerate digital transformation. The collaboration with Ente Autonomo Volturno is a concrete example of how technology can support the design and development of policies for the territory. Aggregated and made anonymous in full compliance with privacy legislation, the big data generated by Vodafone Analytics technology opens up analysis perspectives with an extraordinary level of spatio-temporal detail, demonstrating the value of mobile data for investment planning and for innovative and effective management of local public transport“, he has declared Alexander the Greatdirector of Vodafone Business Italia.

Included in the study are both private and public transport routes, respectively: the extra-urban network, understood as main motorways, state, regional and provincial roads, the main urban network of the capitals (with an analysis scale up to neighborhood streets ) and the remaining inhabited centers present in the study area; extra-urban railway services, extra-urban road bus services and the main urban transport services, such as subways, tramways and road transport bus lines.

The simulation model

The telephone data, combined with big data and information on transport in the Campania Region, will allow the development of a multimodal simulation model capable of reproducing mobility phenomena in forecast scenarios at different moments in time and estimating the impact on the mobility of measures and interventions that we intend to measure, such as the number of passengers getting on or off at EAV stations and the effects on how many car journeys can be transferred to public transport.

The results

In the twelve months (April 2023/March 2024) every day in the Campania region they moved on average 2.9 million people, with peaks of 3.2 million in the months of June and July 2023. In July last year there was also a 3.5% increase in travel on holidays compared to weekdays. January 2024 was the month with the lowest number of trips among those recorded: 2.7 million daily trips, with a 9% decrease on holidays compared to weekdays.

Almost all of the average daily trips in the area of ​​EAV influence in the Campania region are made by Italians (97%). There are some of these 275 thousand commuter trips, defined as frequent because they occur for a number of days per month greater than 13, which are concentrated above all in the time slots between 5 and 9 and between 3 and 8. On average, 215 thousand daily movements of “non-users” are recorded. from Campania” who are then half staying overnight (49%), and the other half only “passing through during the day” (51%). The cities from which these “non-Campanian” users most frequently come are: Rome 29%, Milan 8%, Potenza 5%, Cosenza 4%, Latina 4%, other 50%. On average, almost 120 thousand trips are recorded every day by young people under the age of 25, a third of which are concentrated in the 3-8pm time slot.

The movements of people coming from abroad – around 100 thousand every day in the period between April 2023 and March 2024 (around 3% of the total) – are considerably more numerous in the spring and summer months (140 thousand in June, 142 thousand in July, 158 thousand in August, 145 thousand in September) and then suffered a sharp decline in the autumn and winter months (32 thousand in November, 21 thousand in December, 17 thousand in January). Almost three quarters of people coming from abroad stay overnight (72%, compared to 28% who travel during the day) and come mostly from the United States (28%), France (11%), the United Kingdom (9% ), Spain (8%), Germany (7%) and other countries (37%).

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