Italy 24 Press News

turnover above 100 million for 42 regional companies

Second in all Noon for added value in industry, including the construction sector, and eighth in Italy: this is the performance of the Puglia in 2022 according to theIstat. The data, elaborated yesterday by Il Mattino, demonstrates how the region, after Campania, is characterized by a competitive capacity which adds to the image transmitted in recent days throughout the world in terms of scenic beauty, organizational capabilities and reception facilities, tested on an occasion of extraordinary importance such as the world summit of G7. The businessesin the elaboration represented in the graph based on data from Cesdim-Centro Studi documentation on the industry of the South, summarize those which in 2022 exceeded 100 million in turnover: in all, 42.

«The three days of the G7 in Puglia undoubtedly and absolutely marked – said Sergio Fontana, president of Confindustria Puglia – the success of our extraordinary land. A world-class event that once again highlighted Italy’s ability to unite when unity is essential and the Apulian skills of hospitality, organization and talent in producing excellence. The Apulian business world has demonstrated in the field all the progress made and the exceptional level of quality achieved. If the commercial and export indicators are favorable – adds Fontana – the Apulian companies have given real soul to these numbers”.

An active and proactive Puglia, the one that the number one of the regional Confindustria promotes with flying colours. «Thanks to the visionary strength of the entrepreneurs and those who have worked in the field with absolute competence and professionalism. From food companies to manufacturing ones, from companies that deal with the production of raw materials to those of precision technology and aerospace – continues the number one industrialist – they all presented themselves to the world wearing the best clothes. Companies have been able to offer the best of themselves, managing to bring together material and human capital.” And precisely on the people, women and men who make Apulian businesses grow, Fontana adds: «They are the legs through which the industrial universe of Puglia walks the streets of the world. Specialized and constantly trained employees who give prestige and substance to the ideas and projects of business leaders. The regional industry cannot ignore the value of its people and in this regard there is the belief that alongside the children of this land who want to return to make a concrete contribution in terms of growth and development – Fontana points out – there will also be professionals and specialists who will choose Puglia and its businesses after knowing its beauty and quality thanks to the G7″.

A showcase of absolute prestige on a global level, but also a driving force on which future development can take root, this was the reunion of Borgo Egnazia for the Apulian business world. «As Confindustria we are ready to face the challenge we face. The objective is to focus on a “Made in Puglia” brand that can be recognized in the world, open new market horizons and push all industrial assets towards increasingly complete excellence. Tomorrow will be focused on green industry – underlines Sergio Fontana – sustainable, not only from an environmental point of view but also from a social and ethical point of view that goes beyond profit, and artificial intelligence. In this regard, the words of the Pontiff should be a warning for whom AI is an extraordinary opportunity if it is used according to science and conscience. The Apulian industry is ready – the gloss – indeed very ready to play and win the game about the future».

The president of Confartigianato Imprese Puglia, Francesco Sgherza, also speaks about extraordinary success for Apulian artisan companies at the G7. «The excellent productions of regional craftsmanship enchanted the Heads of State and international delegations during the days of Borgo Egnazia. We are proud to represent the entrepreneurs who have once again brought prestige to our land and our country with their work. From illuminations to furnishing accessories, from woodworking to agri-food products, from ceramics to jewellery, the international event was an extraordinary showcase for the artisan productions of Puglia. There is no photograph or film of these days in which identifying products of our territory do not appear, objects and accessories created by the mastery of the best local artisans and entrepreneurs who have also been selected as precious gifts to pay homage to the illustrious guests”. Some examples: the knobs and horses personalized with the names of the Heads of State that adorned the summit rooms and convivial events created by the Grottaglie master Franco Fasano; “Regenerative Harmony”, the olive wood sculpture donated by Italy to the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, the lights from the Paulicelli company. «As also recognized by Prime Minister Meloni – recalls President Sgherza – the people of Puglia have once again proven themselves capable of the task assigned to them, to best represent not only our land but the whole of Italy. With a sense of responsibility and constantly collaborating with the institutions they expressed the Apulian values, the drive towards hospitality and the desire to show the whole world their abilities. The hope is therefore – concludes the number one of Confartigianato Imprese Puglia – that craftsmanship is increasingly central to the agenda of the country and the region, our work will be aimed at realizing its extraordinary potential”.


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