Italy 24 Press News

Amnesty, CGIL and Cinemaniaci: the events in Piacenza for World Refugee Day

(photo Guerric)

Amnesty International and World Refugee Day on 20 June. Also in Piacenza the humanitarian organization has prepared, in collaboration with CGIL and Cinemaniaci, a series of events at the Chamber of Labor (via 24 Maggio 18). «An important moment of reflection and discussion on the condition of migrant people in Italy and Europe, whose human rights are often violated by a Europe that builds walls instead of welcoming and externalizes borders and procedures, stripping itself of any responsibility in the matter», Piacenza promoters explain.

The appointments

Wednesday 19 June, at 8.30 pm, there will be a screening of the documentary “Trieste is beautiful at night”, by Andrea Segre, Stefano Collizzolli And Matteo Calore, distributed by ZaLab Film and with the patronage of Amnesty International Italia; it is a documentary film that gives voice to refugees and migrants, mainly Asian, who arrive at the border between Italy and Slovenia after traveling the infamous “Balkan route”;

Friday On June 21st, at 6 pm, the presentation of the book “Chiusiinterno. Confinement camps in 21st century Europe”, which will feature the intervention of Paolo Pignocchi of the European Coordination Amnesty International Italy; Of Michela Cucchetti, lawyer expert in migrants’ rights; Of Michele Rossi, director of the Immigration, Asylum and International Cooperation Center of Parma; and of Roberto Magni, by Fiorenzuola Beyond the Borders. The book aims to answer crucial questions through an in-depth investigation of European policies on asylum and immigration.

To make you think and…

It deals with «of significant events, with which Amnesty wants not only to reflect and make citizens reflect on the condition of migrant people, constantly stripped of their dignity and rights; but also to reiterate its commitment to supporting and protecting the rights of migrant people, asking that policies be adopted aimed at safeguarding those seeking safety; as well as fair policies based on shared responsibilities, human rights, global security and which combat all forms of exploitation, segregation and discrimination”.

Practices such as «the cancellation of the right to asylum, the rejections at the external borders of the European Union, the “readmissions” at the internal borders… are still illegitimate and systematic practices today, which the EU would like to make become the “new normality”; a “normality” which Amnesty International firmly opposes and which should be opposed by all those people who want Europe to stop “dying at its borders” and to adopt policies for the rejection of migrants which reduce them to non-persons”, he concludes the note from the promoters of the Piacenza events.

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