Italy 24 Press News

“A beautiful location, symbol of the past and future of the Varese economy”

The place where the annual meeting of Confindustria Varese was held is no coincidence: a symbol of Made in Italy, of the production history of Varese, of the beauty in which local manufacturing works.

It is therefore natural for everyone present to talk about what surrounds them to define the strengths and needs of the local economy: «A beautiful, significant location, in a manufacturing company that has been able to transform itself over the years until it opened its capital also to important foreign investors, who have declared they want to remain in the area – in fact he was the first to underline Roberto Grassi, president of Confindustria Varese – There are various paths that we want to pursue: first of all that of people at the center of manufacturing. But also the importance of being in Europe in the right ways, of valorising all the assets we have, and one of them is the JRC, which we have a few kilometers away, a citadel of knowledge with over 2000 direct employees of the EU and 200 laboratories. The requests we make concern above all the cutting of the tax wedge: this is the fundamental part capable of allowing us to remain competitive in the world and export our Made in Italy. Furthermore, Industry 5.0 as it was developed does not work and we cannot wait 6 months for the implementing decrees on investments that we should close by the end of December 2025. It is impossible to manage investment planning like this: we need a longer term, at least from 5 years old”.

The President of the Region, who spoke at the event, also thinks about the territory: «We are in a place that is a symbol of the Varese and Lombard manufacturing industry – Attilio Fontana, president of the Lombardy Region – It is an absolutely unique place where we still have a very high quality production, which manages to be competitive with the world, moreover in a particularly fascinating location which adds an extra element. I believe that manufacturing is doing well in our region at the moment, we must support it to continue to keep our region at the top not only of Italy but I would say of the whole of Europe”.

And even more so it is an element of pride for the administration of the city in which the assembly is held: «The holding of the assembly within this production plant is an important signal for the entire province but also for the city – he underlined Davide Galimbertimayor of Varese – Last year at the Ice Rink, the symbolic location of the Winter Olympics, this year in a production plant that has made the history of our country’s industry, I think these are important signals regarding the industrial world’s desire to anchor on its own development roots, in the name of innovation and openness to the world”.

A moment where even the institutions find themselves on common ground: «The Prefecture, with the world of business and work, has various initiatives underway – he explained Salvatore Rosario Pasquariello, prefect of Varese – From the table on prison and work, to that on asylum seekers and work, or on youth hardship and school and work orientation. We have been working very well together for two years now, and the collaboration will continue”

«It is a great pleasure to be here today: first of all in a wonderful place from an environmental point of view and an iconic place of manufacturing – also comments the deputy Andrea Pellicini – Those who do politics in the province of Varese must always remember the great manufacturing tradition of this province. Among other things, we are in a factory where some of the most beautiful motorbikes in the world are produced: here you can feel the pride of Varese production. I wanted to congratulate the president of Confindustria Varese Roberto Grassi, who carries out his mandate by always being close to the different needs of the territory: we are close to the entrepreneurs of the province and as a government we have a duty to support them”

But beyond the location, the assembly confirms itself as the main moment of reflection for the Varese economy: «The Confindustria Varese assembly is always an important moment, because it reflects the situation of our territories – he explains Andrea Cassani, mayor of Gallarate – We are an area with a strong manufacturing and production footprint, they are our stakeholders and it is right to listen to everything that is said, because it is also important to be able to plan future activities. And this year too Roberto Grassi, with his foresight, has outlined what should be the next indications for the territory. We will continue to support the industry as much as possible and as public administrators to make ourselves useful also for our businesses.”

Uni-importance also felt by politics: «It is essential to meet in a manufacturing excellence to say that politics must also stand alongside the processes of change – underlines the senator Alessandro Alfieri – There is the issue of the ecological and digital transition, and for this reason we are required to deploy resources for industrial policy: it is the best way to help the company face new challenges, with a common debt to finance them. It seems to me that we are on the right path, there is awareness: we are one of the companies that exports the most, we will do our part in all the tools that can help.”

From the Confindustria Varese assembly, in particular: «A very concrete stimulus to politics arrives: the politics of doing, as our Varese entrepreneurs are used to, who are important and known in the world for their skills and investments in technology and innovation – comments the deputy Maria Chiara Gadda – The numbers tell us this, because the province of Varese is the locomotive of Italy from an export point of view. So what are we asking of politics and what is our commitment? First of all, more must be done in terms of stabilization, starting from the next budget law: entrepreneurs are asking for simplification and continuity starting from fiscal measures. We need to start again from the stable reduction of the tax wedge and we will wait for the Meloni government to test this appointment”.

And which brings ideas to more than one sector: «This is an exceptional location, moreover in a point where the Lombardy region has invested to restore Lake Varese – recalled the Regional Councilor Emanuele Monti – On a beautiful sunny day today the focus is on the many businesses in the area: and there are many biomedical and pharmaceutical companies in the province of Varese in which as the Lombardy region and, in my role in Aifa in Rome, there is will to contribute to growth.”

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